Thursday, July 31, 2008

All Four Molars For Jacob!!

Yesterday while we were standing in line at Costco I asked Jacob to open his mouth REALLY big so I could take a peak at his nice pearly whites! Well then I decided to count them... he has 1o top teeth and 10 bottom teeth so that would mean that he has all four of his 2 year molars!! One on the top left appears to just have come in recently... he is always so good about getting teeth.  I never know when they come through!! 
Now I think he isn't due to get any more teeth till he is four or five! :)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Busy Week!!

It seems as if our weeks are just flying by...between Caseville, trips, visiting family and friends and the normal day to day things we rarely have time to do all the little things I'd hoped we'd get to this summer.

Yesterday my Mom & I took the kids to see Aunt Jenn (she is STILL at home on bedrest with the quads). They provided her with some fine entertainment... her friend Dannette and her little girl Veronica were there too! We looked at the three of them and thought... Jenn will have one more than this! How fun!! I just can't wait to see those precious little babies... and HEAR the names! :)

Today Jacob had soccer this morning. Gramma Bets, Cameron & Tete all came to CHEER him on!! He gets so wound up there... he really does do well and has a blast! Each week he has the most cheerleaders. It is nice, we sure know he is loved.

After soccer we decided to head to the library. We were involved in the summer reading program and had to turn in our log so we could get our prizes. Jacob & Grace got a book, a painting page, and a sippy cup. They both really enjoy being read to.

I let Jacob pick out three books for him, and three for Grace. He is so funny about the ones he selects. Today he picked out one about pancakes (and talked about them the rest of the morning), one about shoes, and one about pumpkins... a funny combination. For Grace I helped... we picked out a sign language one, one called PIGGIES, and one about Spot sleeping over. I also decided to let him look for movies... since we are going up north again this weekend, I thought it might be nice to have some different ones in case of rain. He, of course, selected a Bob the Builder movie, a wiggles movie (shhhh.. don't tell I'm taking him to see the wiggles in a couple of weeks!!!) and 2 informational movies ... one about planes and one about rescue trucks. He has other ones like these and LOVES them... he could watch the tractor one for days.

We stopped by Gramma Doe's after, Daddy has hockey tonight so we are going to go to COSTCO tonight with her and run some other errands for our trip to Caseville tomorrow.

On a side note... check out this video (not the best quality since it was taken on my Mom's camera) of Grace pushing her stroller. She is so fast now at both crawling and pushing things. I'm sure it won't be very much longer before she is walking on her own!! You can get a glimpse of Jacob in his little uniform too... more of those pictures to come soon, Greg is trying to organize them before we put them on our server!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Visit with the Griswold's

Today we took the kids and headed over to visit with Greg's cousin Ben and his family.  Gramma Bets, Pa, Bubba, Mimi & Cam all came too! We had such a great time.... the food was delicious, the company was wonderful and the kids had a blast swimming and playing with Braeden's toys! (What a good sharer!)  The best part was the boys (Jacob & Braeden) had matching bathing suits and hats.... TOO CUTE!! 
On the way home Jacob & Grace both fell sleep and slept the whole way home!! Jacob told me tonight he want's Braeden to ride his four wheeler over to our house... and he even was calling his baby Braeden tonight! Greg got such a kick out of that.  

Wow... We MATCH! 
(Jacob, Grace, Braeden)

Braeden & Grace playing in the pool...

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Until I figure the MESS out...

Well I've decided to make a change with my websites. It is becoming a little harder to keep up two different websites AND since I can only do the updates from my MAC that makes it even more of a challenge! I know so many people that use this and it seemed to have everything I need and want, the hard part now is what do I do with all of my old stuff I have worked so hard on???? Well until I figure it all out, I decided to create a post with the links to both of the kids' websites. THEN if you want to go back to check something out prior to July 26, 2008 just go there!
Thanks for understanding, I'm really working on a way to get it all into one... but until then...

Also... although our pictures from Chicago are on this site the actual posting is on the previous sites.  Again... SORRY!