Sunday, May 23, 2010

NEW Seat!

We made the switch... Babe is in the big girl car seat now... she still technically fits, but it is getting hard to remember to leave the car seat for whomever is watching her since I usually leave it in the car, and the Grandma's rely on it!


Ok... our beloved BABE has now added a head shake to her "NO!". It is pretty adorable if I do say so myself. Today while we were at Gigi's, Gigi asked to take her and Babe said NO! shaking her head. What a stinker!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

More Fun Stuff...

Rylie kissed Jacob today... what is going on around here????

Double AGAIN

Alexis had to be taken in today for a high fever... when we got there they decided to take it rectally since it was reading 104 on the regular thermometer. It was 105.3 rectally... scarily high. They said she also had a double ear infection AGAIN! They didn't let her leave until after she had tylenol, cold compress, and juice. After about 1.5 hours it went down to 100.6 so we were allowed to leave. That night was rough... she continued to be pretty sick, lithargic, and sleepy. The next morning her fever broke at about 5am. Poor baby girl!

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Grace was kissed today for the first time by Carter, our neighbor. It started out as kisses on the butt and then went to her lips. The good news is Jacob was close by and was kissing her too!!

Saying GrAcE!

Babe now says Grace!!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Jacob's first game!

Jacob had his very first t-ball game today... Doe, Pa, Betts, Mimi, Cam, Bubba, Carl & the other Kohl 4 were in attendance. He got to bat 3 times... 3 innings. His little run to first base the first time was so precious... he was so cautious... so sweet. He caught one ball and ran to get alot of other ones. (I think he loves running to catch the ball... no matter where it is!). He was so cute in his little number 11 Bisons uniform... so cute!
They played the HAMMERHEADS... on the way there when Jacob found out who he was playing he said "Are they going to hammer our heads?". What a funny boy!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Pulling On Up...

Alexis has done this before a couple of times... but today she was non-stop! She kept pulling herself up to the standing position all day long! She started on the dog crate... then on Jacob's tool bench (a few times), then to her jungle safari toy. She was on a roll!!

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Alexis now says No,No! She even points her finger at you sometimes. Quite the little sass we have!
Some of the words she says now include: no, bye, bob, mama, dada, dog, doe, bets, hi, this, that, what. Quite the vocab if I do say so myself! :)

Sunday, May 2, 2010


"This" is Babe's new word. At first I didn't realize where she got it from, after listening to myself, I know!!
Today at Gigi's, her Tete was feeding her cake when she pointed to my ice cream and said "THIS".

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Someone is...

Poking my eye (with her finger in her eye) and biting my finger (with her finger in her mouth)!

This is what Grace told her Gigi & Doe that had us all laughing, silly girl!