Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Alexis is taking steps!

Alexis took her first step on July 22nd... she is now up to 5 steps. She goes back and forth between the walking and the crawling thing, but she has some amazing balance and CAN walk when she wants too! :) Go BABY GIRL!


Jacob & Grace both learned how to pump today on Rylie's swing set!! YEAH!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Long time...

It has been such a long time since I have posted.... things have been beyond busy and chaotic around here with the end of an emotional school year and the beginning of summer. So much has happened and never fear I have it all written on my calendar, just not blogged.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Alexis 14 Months

Our baby girl is getting so big and so BLONDE! She is our little toe head... well with the hair that she has! She is the most sweet, loving, happy baby... and brings such joy to our world!
Babe's new thing is loving to point at people in pictures and tell us who is in them... "RACE" "BUB". She also loves dogs and really enjoys helping her Daddy take Abby outside. She says so many words... some of them are: no, more, mom, dad, bra (brother), yea, what, that, this, cheese, grapes.... I'm sure there are more but that is all I can think of now.
Alexis really enjoys playing outside with the big kids... and she love playing downstairs with her brother and sister. She loves baby dolls, cars, the kitchen, and anything that she can figure out how to push and walk behind!
Alexis still has not taken her first step... but she is walking around things, standing, walking with fingers, and crawling SUPER fast! I'm not in a rush for her to walk... I know she will when she's ready!
Alexis is a good eater.... she loves grapes, toast, waffles, pizza, spaghetti, mandarin oranges, crackers, grilled cheese and fries. She also LOVES white milk... just like the two before her!
Babe has a total of 12 teeth, and I believe she is beginning to cut her I-teeth. She is a tooth machine!
Alexis has a little stinker side like her big sister... she will just point blank shake her head and tell you NO.... if she doesn't want you to hold her or if she doesn't want you to tell her no... or if she doesn't like what you are doing. Although I have to admit the way she says it is kinda cute!
Alexis also enjoys crawling away from Mom to climb the stairs, splashing in the tub, cuddling with Mom in the morning while she drinks her milk, Caseville sand, ruining things her brother builds with lincoln logs, and going shopping!