Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Alexis is 19 Months Old!

And to think at this age with Jacob I had a 2 month old I just simply can't get over! She is such my little baby girl yet she is getting so big and so independent I can't help but want to bottle her up!
Alexis is such a sweet yet very sassy girl. We have struggled with hitting and hair pulling this month BIG time! I think alot of it has to do with invasion of her personal space by her older sister. The only mechanism she has to fight back is to hit or pull Grace's long hair. Ouch. We just keep reminding her of what is right and wrong... hopefully she'll catch on!
Just when I thought Alexis couldn't say anymore she surprises me... I honestly couldn't even list all that she says now... BUT some of the things she says are: banana, apple, water, juice, milk, cracker, fish, buh, brother, Grace, Mama, Dada, Doe, Gigi, Tete, Bella, Brady, Rylie, Carter, more, shoe, bye, hi, yeah, no, baby, up, I Got It, Yowzers, Me, and well the list goes on....
Alexis loves Wiggles & Mickey Mouse! She sits and watches them so nice... she also loves to sleep with her little Minnie doll, can't wait to take her to Disney! In the car she often goes into a coma... while watching her movies, kinda cracks us up! She is also quiet the dancer... and boy can she shake those hips when her favorite wiggles song comes on!
She has her buh only at nap/nighttime and does so well with this. She sleeps from about 7:30 pm until 8 am... and then takes a 2-3 hour nap... very similiar to what Grace did at this same age. All three of my kids were awesome at going right in and falling asleep... which makes me very happy!
We love the little snuggles we get from our baby girl when she gets up from nap and when we watch movies as a family. Nothing like a snuggle from your last baby.... such a treasure.
And in addition to our illness last winter we have already started to get some winter type colds/chest issues. She has been on the nebulizer already once this winter... the one major downfall to these issues is that when she feels crappy she tends to not eat as much as she usually does. Although if we have one of her favorites... LOOK OUT! :)