Saturday, January 15, 2011

WOW... 20 months old!

Babe has added SO many more words this month including: juice, pizza, money, princess, Ariel, Ema, putzI honestly cannot think of anything she cannot say/repeat. It is amazing!
She also knows many of her colors, especially the basics... she loves pink and purple, of course!

She can identify and name most of her body parts as well as other people's. She is constantly pointing to my nose and eyes... and saying nose/eyes.

Alexis has continued to be a super eater... she will really try anything. She loves pizza, pasta, fruit, cheese, bars, and anything sweet! Our neighbors all joke that she is the little "Mikey" of the group... she loves food!

The WIGGLES & MOUSE are the hottest thing in this 20 month old baby girls life! She sings and dances around whenever she sees them on TV. Alexis loves her babies and is such a little mother hen, especially with her "Belda". She has also started to want to sleep with her little baby (although I say its a little hard and plastic like to sleep with, she just loves it!).

We are still having clothing issues... 12-18 month clothes fit perfectly. Everything else is still too big. Shoes are going at a 5 and hats are about a size 12-24 months. She is still our little peanut for sure... so skinny!

Babe loves her Daddy... Mommy turns into second fiddle when Daddy gets home... he has to do everything with her! She just loves to be carried around by her Daddy! What a little princess!

She is a super sleeper... she sleeps from 7:30 PM until 7:30-8 AM... sometimes even later! Then she proceeded to take a 3 hour afternoon nap. What a girl!

She is such a happy girl and has the most adorable expressions... however I will be the first to admit she can bit a bit sassy... hair pulling, NO, and hitting to get her way to name a few. She is definitely the BABY! :)