Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Babe is 21 Months...

WOW... our baby is nearing 2~ how did that happen?? Alexis has such the little personality... we love her more and more every day! She is getting so big and is so happy, funny, sweet, lovey, flirty, talkative, an adorable. She amazes us and sure has her siblings and parents wrapped around her little finger.
You would never know that Alexis has ear issues... this girl says everything. She talks all the time! She speaks in sentences (small). "I got it", "I do", "Hi, Mommy!"
She still LOVES babies, Mouse, and most recently princesses. Another love of hers is her clothing or shoes... she just cannot get enough of wearing my stuff, her stuff, Grace's stuff... Loves it!
Alexis has a love/hate relationship with food... she either loves it or pushes it away and says "yuck". Some of her favorites are pizza, mac n' cheese, fruit, carrots... and of course DIPS.
She also loves sweets... go figure!
She has continued to be smaller... most of her 18-24 month clothing is still too big. As far as shoes go... we have her in a 5 or 5.5 depending on the shoe. Hats are 12-24 Months... Speaking of heads... her hair is thickening up but still not growing much.
Her favorite toys continue to be babies, phones, keys, strollers, the kitchen (food), and anything someone else has. As far as television goes... she loves Mickey and Wiggles. BUT she will watch anything!
Lex is such an outdoor girl... she is always asking to go outside and when she gets there she always wants to "walk" as opposed to being carried and will just walk around aimlessly as long as you let her. I know she'll be a blast this year at the cottage and I'm sure she'll really enjoy it. Especially with Bella!
Her hair is still blonde... eyes are definitely brown... Doe got the baby she always wanted!
She loves to be sung too and loves music... loves to hear "Ba Ba Black Sheep" or "Itsy Bitsy Spider". She is now sleeping with her 2 Minnies, Seahorse Glow Thing, usually a baby, a blanky and buh. She loves going "nighty" and you can tell when she's ready because she starts asking for her baby or buh.
She runs pretty fast now and has even jumped with two feet a few times. She is quite the little dancer! Although she still likes to shovel her food in she is very good at using a "poon" (spoon) or "fork". She has also mastered drinking from a water bottle all by herself, which I find amazing to watch. Straws are very easy for her as well.