Sunday, May 15, 2011

2.Years.Old... Letter to Lex

Dear Little Lex,
How did it happen, how did you get so big. I cannot even fathom that my "baby" has turned 2 years old. 2 years ago I was holding you, nursing you, hearing your first cry, nestling you up against me as we welcomed our second beautiful daughter. I couldn't imagine all that you would turn out to be. I couldn't comprehend how much you would add to our family until that day that you became part of it. It was more than I ever imagined... I'm blessed to have YOU as my daughter. Not a day goes by without a little attitude or hop in your step that makes me chuckle. I love everything about you and can't believe how much you look and act like me as a baby... makes me love you all the more. :)
I loved everything about you right from the start- that little brown fuzz we called "hair", replaced with your beautiful blonde "hair " that is almost always sprouting off the top of your head- your beautiful brown eyes that have a such a sparkle to them, and of course your "Jerry Teeth"... teeth just like your Pops! Your little crooked pinkies that haven't changed a bit and your tiny little body, so petite... you started out as our largest baby and have become our smallest toddler!
I feel so lucky to have YOU, as my daughter. It was one of the really greatest experiences of my whole life. And now you are two! I sometimes do miss my snuggle little newborn but also love this new stage full of experimenting, adventures, and joyfulness. I love how you talk to me now so fluently and tell me all about the world from your perspective. I thought it might be fun for you (and me!) to look back someday on what you are like at two years old, so here are some of the things I've learned about you.
Things You Can Do Now
-Feed yourself with spoon and fork, drink from a water bottle
-Speak in sentences
-Walk run, climb
-Go down a slide by yourself
-Color... well scribble!
-Go on the potty! (sometimes)
Favorite Things You Say: You really say so much... you are so vocal. I just love to hear you talk!
-Gracie & BraBra (Jacob)
- Purple & Pink... your FAVORITE colors
-"That Funny"
-"Gracie Kiss" - you always want to give one last kiss before you go to bed!
-Your famous for adding "e's" to the end of your words... Pocke (Pocket), Booke, etc.
-Outside.... always asking for outside!
-"Mommy's Girl" "Daddy's Girl" "Doe's Girl"
-I hurt/I cold- I love the mixed up grammar you use! :)
Things You Love
-Spaghetti, pizza, cookies, carrots... of course DIPS are also so popular with you (ranch, nacho cheese, peanut butter!)
-You LOVE to eat!
-Your satin blankie
-The Outdoors
-Minnie Mouse or Wiggles
-Babies, strollers, bottles, etc.
-Songs! You loved to be sung too!!
Who You Are at Two:
-You are very warm and affectionate, love hugs and being close- but don't like being confined!
-You are really growing in independence and this great drive to do things by yourself. Sometimes getting shoes on is quite an ordeal because you want to do it yourself but don't quite have the manual dexterity to do it- and, I suppose, we are too often in a hurry!
-Stubborn... your way or the highway!
-You're very social- generally more interested in the people in a room than the toys or other objects there. You often just watch other kids as they do things... at least for a minute before diving in!
-You don't really seem to crave the "stage" or the limelight of a large group of people- you're often shyer in a group than you are with a small number of people you know well. But you just light up with the affection and admiration of the people who really matter in your life.

Babe, you are so loved... I can't wait to experience the ups and downs of 2 with you... whatever comes, comes... with you in my life we can do it!
All my love, Mommy