Wednesday, June 6, 2012


My baby girl has graduated from preschool... I can't believe it! We had a wonderful morning and she looked absolutely beautiful in her dress! EVERYONE commented on how gorgeous she looked.  After getting ready we headed to Little Turtle for the ceremony.  Of course... I cried.  Mrs. Norrod's music and my baby girl, just!
During the ceremony they said what they wanted to be when they grew girl said a Mom! I melted.  That is so special and says so much about her character and sweet personality!
After the ceremony we had sweets and refreshments and Grace visited with her friends and of course Hannah & Megan! We took lots of pictures!  Betts, Doe, and Gigi were all there to celebrate with us!
After our celebration there we headed to Taco Bell (Grace's choice).  She had a yummy lunch and opened her gifts from Doe & us.  (Greg had to go back to work and Betts had to get Cam so they were unable to join us!)
Grace never ceases to amaze me.  Despite being so nervous about doing the  "Graduate" thing... telling me it was too difficult.  She pulled through and looked great! I love her, every... single... thing about her!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

No, I don't want to...

Alexis has been potty trained (pee) since a few weeks prior to Christmas... one day she just decided she no longer wanted to wear a diaper... well we are STILL struggling with poop! She waits until bed time and then goes after we put a diaper on her at bedtime! OR even with underwear on at nap she poops... stinker! We have tried EVERYTHING... offering sleep overs, slurpees, barbie's, toys, and on the flip side we have taken things away and nothing is working! If I say to her... Alexis... if you put your poo-poo in the potty Mommy will take you to the store and get a Barbie for you... her reply is ALWAYS... "No, I don't want to." Really!?!?!?!? This crazy girl is going to be the death of me! :)