Sunday, July 27, 2008

Visit with the Griswold's

Today we took the kids and headed over to visit with Greg's cousin Ben and his family.  Gramma Bets, Pa, Bubba, Mimi & Cam all came too! We had such a great time.... the food was delicious, the company was wonderful and the kids had a blast swimming and playing with Braeden's toys! (What a good sharer!)  The best part was the boys (Jacob & Braeden) had matching bathing suits and hats.... TOO CUTE!! 
On the way home Jacob & Grace both fell sleep and slept the whole way home!! Jacob told me tonight he want's Braeden to ride his four wheeler over to our house... and he even was calling his baby Braeden tonight! Greg got such a kick out of that.  

Wow... We MATCH! 
(Jacob, Grace, Braeden)

Braeden & Grace playing in the pool...


Anonymous said...

I love that I get to be the first person to leave a comment on your new blogsite! It's in keeping with my tradition of being the first to RSVP to!

I also love the pic of Jacob and Grace in the pool with Braeden, looking at him like they are thinking, "just what do you plan on doing with that hose buddy?"!

Most importantly, I love you guys!
(aka The Keeper of the Names)

Anonymous said...

I love the look of your new blog. I have to admit I haven't been to the old one in a long time.
I'm so glad you guys got together with Ben and Erin and the boys. I know they had a great time too! Nice to see pictures of it.
I'm bookmarking you!
Aunt Mary