Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sick Girl!

Alexis had to make a trip to the doctor today... she had been having trouble with coughing, wheezing, and breathing. I took her into the night owl and we saw Dr. Dubina (luckily)... after she examined her (eyes, nose, throat, ears, breathing)... she said she had a double ear infection (which really shocked us!!!) and that she had bronchiolitis a side effect from RSV. The took her pulse ox and it was 99 (they mentioned if it was below 95 she would be admitted). Dr. Dubina mentioned that it was a very good thing we took her in otherwise it could have gotten bad, quick. She was sent home on amoxicillian and breathing treatments every 4-6 hours.
Our poor baby girl was so sick... yet she was still so happy! She is such a trooper!

Sesame Street Live!

We went with Mimi, Betts & Cam today to see Sesame Street Live! It was BEYOND awesome. Our seats were spectacular, the company was phenomenal, the kids were awesome! Jacob loved Oscar and Elmo... Gracie loved Zoe & Abby (AND the cotton candy)... and Cam loved The Count & Elmo! We were about 6 rows from stage and it was really a great show. Jacob wants to go back again... and has listened to the CD so many times... his favorite song is the one about TRASH, lol. After the show we went to Alibi for pizza, salad & breadsticks. What a great day!

Daddy & Pa stayed home to paint and Doe came to watch Lexie since she was under the

Jacob & Grace before the show in their Elmo gear!
Jacob, Grace & Elmo With "Elmo"
Gracie & Cam
Mommy & GracieGrace: Pre Cotton Candy!
Post Cotton Candy... this is what you call a Cotton Candy Goatee Folks!
Betts With The Boys!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Movie Date!

I took Jacob today to see his very first movie... EVER! We went to see "Alvin & The Chipmunks: The Squeakquel". My boy and I got popcorn (and a refill) although Jacob only allowed me one handful and then kindly said "Mom, I think you had enough." I brought him a sucker and I got a slurpee. Jacob wasn't hot on the commercials or previews (none were for anything his age) but LOVED the movie. He sat so quietly and was like a statue eating his popcorn and watching the movie. He loved it... he immediately began asking if he could go back another time. It was such a nice time for him & I. What a great date he was!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Meet The...


EVERY baby/doll/animal that Grace has is loving called "Madison". We have no idea where this came from but I think it is cute, nonetheless! :)
I took a picture to try and have a group Madison shot, but of course some were not in attendance... but you get the picture! Now even Alexis' babies have started to be included... as Gracie calls them Madison too!

Gracie's sick.... AGAIN!

Well Tuesday morning we had to take Grace to the doctor's again... and Babe went along for her second dose of the H1N1 shot. Turns out that Grace is sick (Greg said she had something that was going around... he took her and that is the explanation I got!!). She also was having bronchiospasms so she had to have an albuterol breathing treament in the office and be sent home with both an antibiotic, a nebulizer and the albuterol. WHEW...
At first she HATED the breathing treatments but she is getting much better at doing them and likes to do them herself or have Jacob hold them for her. :) Jacob likes turning it on and off and assisting in the job.
Now if only Lexie can skip over this... she has started to develop a little cough that I don't like! AND Jacob is on week 2 of his never ending yucky sounding cough!

Our first treatment at home:
What a difference a day makes... Day 2:

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Ma & Milk... make a nice combo don't ya think???

Babe said MA today.... also on Sunday (1.24.10) Alexis signed for milk. She was on a roll doing it non-stop on Sunday morning but hasn't done it a whole lot since. However... if I do it she immediately opens her mouth and definitely knows what I mean! :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Dancing Queen!

Babe started dancing today (while sitting) it is so stinkin' adorable, but then again her just being HER is adorable! :)
And we found out Grace is dancing to "Baby Bumblebee" for her recital... talk about following in her Uncle Tim's footsteps!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

8 Month Weigh In!!!

I weighed Alexis today... she currently weighs 16 lbs 7 oz. She is still ranking in at the smallest weight in the Kohl family at this age (well except for Mommy!!)

Friday, January 15, 2010

8 Months Old! Seriously???

How can it be that our "baby" has already hit such a huge milestone!?!?! Can you believe that when Jacob was this age I got pregnant with Grace, cause I can't! Alexis has grown and changed so much in the last 8 months, and has really made our family into so much more! I can't fathom life without her and am so glad we decided to have that "3rd" baby!

Alexis has really bloomed this last month... she is sitting SO well! I really trust her sitting skills and it isn't very often that she falls over nowadays! She is a roll over maniac now... anytime I lay her on her back she flips to her tummy. She doesn't love being on her tummy but when she is she is squirming all over the place and is beginning to make the crawling motion too. She has rolled from tummy to back a few times but doesn't do it too much. Another milestone we have hit in physical ability is the ability to jump like a crazy lady! Lex has such strong legs and could jump in her jumperoo for HOURS! She just loves it... it has become one of her favorite places to be (that and her playmat which replaced her bouncy seat).

As far as growing goes... she has grown a few more teeth this month as well. Our new total is 8 teeth. She has all four bottom front and all four top front. She really hasn't been too crabby either which has been a nice surprise AND she hasn't bitten me which is a GREAT surprise! Going along with teeth is her appetite. This month we have tried out alot of new foods and experimented with #2 dinners. We have now tried all the fruits, veggies, rice cereal, oatmeal and some mixed veggies and mixed fruits. She loves to eat.... we have come a long way in the 2 months since she started eating! Lex loves stars or cheerios (the multigrain to be specific) for dessert, yum! She has really mastered her hand to mouth coordination.

Some other things we have tried in the last week include: string cheese (have a funny story about that), pancakes (which Grace fed her without Mommy's permission (oh well!)), and cinnamon bread (she didn't care for this). I will say her favorite "dinners" are apples & ham, broccoli & chicken, and sweet potatoes & turkey. Her favorite veggie's are: carrots & sweet potatoes. Fruits: bananas, prunes, applesauce, and pears.

Sleep habits have been on the upswing. She is usually down about 8 and sleeps till 8, waking about once. She takes a decent morning nap and a nice afternoon nap! It's still pretty quiet around here between 1-4 (Grace still takes her nap, and Jacob takes a nice "rest").

In the last day I have noticed Babe trying to wave, and it appears as if she is saying:Hi, Bra (brother) and Buh (pacifier)

Alexis continues to resemble Mama as a baby... and even has no hair just like me!
Alexis is SO loving and happy it is almost surreal to think she is a REAL baby... she sure doesn't act like one. You know if she is unhappy something must be really wrong.

Some adorable things our little girl does include:
** Flashing smiles when she eats like her big sister did.
** Laying next to her siblings in bed at night.
** Loving on stuffed animals and dolls.
** Laying her head on my shoulder and wrapping her arm around my back.
** Banging her hand on her highchair when she is hungry! Like GET IT NOW MOM!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Today tooth number 7 & 8 (top left of center and right of center) were discovered... this girl is a serious tooth machine!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Tooth # 6!

Our 7 month old baby girl already has gotten her 6th tooth! She now has the four front bottom and the two top... the front right top came in today, 1.11.10! She got her front teeth on two very cool days... Christmas and 01.11.10!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Snow Bunnies!

ALL weekend long (basically everytime we were awake) we went sledding on Betts & Pa's hill! It is the perfect size for the kids. They could of went sledding for hours! Towards the end of the weekend Jacob warmed up to his new snow tube, and Grace really gave Cameron's new sled a workout! It was such a beautiful weekend for sledding... sunny and snowy! The best part was that their favorite time to go is dark... Jacob said he likes to see Bett's deer in the backyard all light up!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy NEW Year!

From one short year to the next it amazes me at how much these little ones grow and change our lives. We are so incredibly lucky to be their parents and blessed to be able to experience "them", I can't remember life without either one of them... and I look forward to many more years watching them grow. We love each of them in so many ways.... yet so many different ways!