Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Gracie's sick.... AGAIN!

Well Tuesday morning we had to take Grace to the doctor's again... and Babe went along for her second dose of the H1N1 shot. Turns out that Grace is sick (Greg said she had something that was going around... he took her and that is the explanation I got!!). She also was having bronchiospasms so she had to have an albuterol breathing treament in the office and be sent home with both an antibiotic, a nebulizer and the albuterol. WHEW...
At first she HATED the breathing treatments but she is getting much better at doing them and likes to do them herself or have Jacob hold them for her. :) Jacob likes turning it on and off and assisting in the job.
Now if only Lexie can skip over this... she has started to develop a little cough that I don't like! AND Jacob is on week 2 of his never ending yucky sounding cough!

Our first treatment at home:
What a difference a day makes... Day 2:

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