Friday, October 15, 2010

Alexis... 17 Months Old!

Alexis talking so much... she says so many words. New ones daily! I'm so proud of this smart little cookie we have! Some of her favorite words are: Gigi, Mama, NO, Dada, Bellllda (Bella!),Doe, Hi, Bye-ya, Bus, Brady, Carter, Rylie, Brother, Grace, kids, VRROOM, belly, woah, book, uh-oh, this, that, eyes, nose, wa-dat (what's that), side (outside), Mine-a (Mine), shoes, good girl, my brush (my toothbrush), water... and I'm sure I'm forgetting more!! She can also combine two words... like "good girl", "what's that" and/or "my brush". That is at least an 18 month milestone... so she hit that very early and it makes me proud!
We have been practicing body parts... she loves her belly button and points to it all the time. She loves to look at pictures/herself and talk about body parts as well. She loves to play that game!
Alexis loves being outside. She keeps herself busy no matter where she goes. She is so easy going.. UNLESS she has other plans.. then look out. She is our little diva.
Alexis, unlike her sibs, isn't totally fond of other babies.. well lets face it... she is the BABE... so in her eyes... she is the ONE & ONLY! :) However she loves to play with babies, purses, cars, crayons, kitchens, and anything musical. She also really enjoys dental hygiene... she could/would brush her teeth all day if we'd let her!
She has all the teeth she is suppose to have and weighs a little over 20 lbs... our tiny, tiny peanut! Clothing she has is still 6-12 months. As far as shoes go, she is in a 5.
Babe is so special to all of us... we love her so very much. Jacob and Grace are constantly looking out for and wanting to help her. It is so sweet how much they care for and love her.
Post tubes we have now had an additional 3 ear infections... poor girl. Luckily she is such a trooper.
Sleep has been a little irratic lately. She goes down between 7:30 and 8 and sleeps till 7:00-7:30. She also still takes at least a 2 hour nap... sometimes more, during the day. She loves to eat and will eat anything you give her. In the last month she has discovered how much she really enjoys dips (ketchup, ranch, etc). And you can't get the bottle out, without sharing some with her. She loves her milk... but is also really enjoying drinking water from a big girl cup. She is also getting really good at spoon feeding herself things like applesauce, macaroni, etc. She definitely has big sisters eating habits/style.

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