Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Long time... no post.

Yes, it's been a while.... Yes, we have been living life. :)
Just had to jot down a few things Jacob has said that has totally cracked me up in the last month.

He got a bracelet from his bus driver... he gets off the bus and says Ms. Mary gave us a bracelet and it says Happy Holidays on one side, Merry Christmas on the other... what it really said... Happy Holidays on one side... Made in China on the other... :)

Today I asked him if he wanted to ride the bus tomorrow or if he wanted to be driven in... he asked "Do I have to dress handsome?" (his party day is tomorrow) and I said "No" he said, "K, I'll ride the bus."

Sunday, May 15, 2011

2.Years.Old... Letter to Lex

Dear Little Lex,
How did it happen, how did you get so big. I cannot even fathom that my "baby" has turned 2 years old. 2 years ago I was holding you, nursing you, hearing your first cry, nestling you up against me as we welcomed our second beautiful daughter. I couldn't imagine all that you would turn out to be. I couldn't comprehend how much you would add to our family until that day that you became part of it. It was more than I ever imagined... I'm blessed to have YOU as my daughter. Not a day goes by without a little attitude or hop in your step that makes me chuckle. I love everything about you and can't believe how much you look and act like me as a baby... makes me love you all the more. :)
I loved everything about you right from the start- that little brown fuzz we called "hair", replaced with your beautiful blonde "hair " that is almost always sprouting off the top of your head- your beautiful brown eyes that have a such a sparkle to them, and of course your "Jerry Teeth"... teeth just like your Pops! Your little crooked pinkies that haven't changed a bit and your tiny little body, so petite... you started out as our largest baby and have become our smallest toddler!
I feel so lucky to have YOU, as my daughter. It was one of the really greatest experiences of my whole life. And now you are two! I sometimes do miss my snuggle little newborn but also love this new stage full of experimenting, adventures, and joyfulness. I love how you talk to me now so fluently and tell me all about the world from your perspective. I thought it might be fun for you (and me!) to look back someday on what you are like at two years old, so here are some of the things I've learned about you.
Things You Can Do Now
-Feed yourself with spoon and fork, drink from a water bottle
-Speak in sentences
-Walk run, climb
-Go down a slide by yourself
-Color... well scribble!
-Go on the potty! (sometimes)
Favorite Things You Say: You really say so much... you are so vocal. I just love to hear you talk!
-Gracie & BraBra (Jacob)
- Purple & Pink... your FAVORITE colors
-"That Funny"
-"Gracie Kiss" - you always want to give one last kiss before you go to bed!
-Your famous for adding "e's" to the end of your words... Pocke (Pocket), Booke, etc.
-Outside.... always asking for outside!
-"Mommy's Girl" "Daddy's Girl" "Doe's Girl"
-I hurt/I cold- I love the mixed up grammar you use! :)
Things You Love
-Spaghetti, pizza, cookies, carrots... of course DIPS are also so popular with you (ranch, nacho cheese, peanut butter!)
-You LOVE to eat!
-Your satin blankie
-The Outdoors
-Minnie Mouse or Wiggles
-Babies, strollers, bottles, etc.
-Songs! You loved to be sung too!!
Who You Are at Two:
-You are very warm and affectionate, love hugs and being close- but don't like being confined!
-You are really growing in independence and this great drive to do things by yourself. Sometimes getting shoes on is quite an ordeal because you want to do it yourself but don't quite have the manual dexterity to do it- and, I suppose, we are too often in a hurry!
-Stubborn... your way or the highway!
-You're very social- generally more interested in the people in a room than the toys or other objects there. You often just watch other kids as they do things... at least for a minute before diving in!
-You don't really seem to crave the "stage" or the limelight of a large group of people- you're often shyer in a group than you are with a small number of people you know well. But you just light up with the affection and admiration of the people who really matter in your life.

Babe, you are so loved... I can't wait to experience the ups and downs of 2 with you... whatever comes, comes... with you in my life we can do it!
All my love, Mommy

Friday, April 15, 2011

Lexie Lou... at 23 Months!

It seems so hard to wrap my head around the fact our BABY girl will be 2 next month! Each of our three have been so special to us, little miracles... and we treasure every day we have with them. Alexis is such a little spunky girl... she has attitude, the will to do anything and everything, and yet is the most loveable, sweetest thing!

Lex can't get enough of her "Bobby's" aka baby dolls... she loves them. She always wants to push them around, carry them and take them into bed with her. She is so girly... loves phones, purses, shoes, and accessories! She is our little diva... she learns alot of that from her big sis.

Alexis' favorite things to do are play with babies (real or fake), imitate her siblings, play with Abby, eat (anything!), give kisses (she can't go to bed without kissing everyone!), brush her teeth, watch Minnie/Mickey and gang, watch the princesses, try on sunglasses, and jump on the bed, dress up, buckle/zip (she can actually buckle into her highchair/stroller already). NO one can leave without taking her... that really upsets her. She always wants to be on the go... loves being outside, playing with friends, or just going!

Her fears to date are fuzzies and spiders... hmmm... not only does she look like Mommy, but we have similar phobias! She also poses with her chin down, walks with a bounce in her step and has similar mannerisms as Momma too!

Alexis has an amazing vocabulary and each day we laugh at how much more she says.... she says it all. She is using small sentences now as well (Zip it, Go Outside, I want it, etc). She asks WHY all the time! She really will repeat anything that is said to her... I'm so proud of her.

Lex loves to eat... she loves "fries", M's, pizza, soup, mac & cheese, and fruit snacks! She also loves her Milky! She is a fantastic eater... we are so lucky our kids like to eat! :) Alexis loves sweets but also likes the good stuff, which makes Mom & Dad very happy! Blueberries are her favorite fruit... she could eat a pint if we let her. Can't wait till summer time with lots of fresh fruits to feed baby girl!

In the last month we have spotted her bottom two molars.... so now she is just waiting on the top two. She appears to be sucking on her fingers, so I'm guessing they are on their way.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Grace is FOUR!

I look at my sweet baby girl and can't believe she is four.... how did this happen?
Grace is the sweetest angel.... I couldn't have wished for a more special daughter. So loving, sweet, caring and kind. She is truly beautiful inside & out.

Grace has such a love for her siblings and family. She is so motherly and loves taking care of those she loves. She makes a great friend... which makes me so happy & proud.

Grace loves playing outside, playing dolls, shopping, eating out, and just doing whatever makes anyone else happy. She likes riding her bike, going to school, doing hair, and helping out whenever she can. She loves to eat pizza, mac & cheese, lemonade, spaghetti, milk, slurpees, and chips. She has never been a huge eater of sweets and to this day doesn't care for them so much. She continues to learn and grow each day.... she is recognizing most letters and sounds in the alphabet, can count to 13, loves to color and make art projects, she also knows her colors (has for a while), and is big into fashion and painted nails. She also knows what she wants in regards to hair styles. She has an opinion and uses it! She loves to wear her hair plain... and also let me know that she doesn't care for pig tails any more. :( Grace loves playing with her best buds Rylie & Ema. She always is talking about them. She also enjoys Dance (tap & ballet with Rylie) and Cheer (with Ava & Brianna). She doesn't quite have her coordination down... and make me chuckle at how clumsy she can be. "Grace" falls over more than any girl I know.

For Gracie's fourth birthday we had a great day. We had the day off for spring break... so we went to Rochester Play in the morning with our family & Betts, Mimi & Cam. We played there till lunch and then headed over to Red Robin. Grace had mac & cheese... yum! For dinner we had everyone over (Doe, Betts, Pa, Mimi, Cam, Bella, Aunt Cathy, Gigi) and had pizza and cake. She had a very special day celebrating her four years with us. We love you Grace and can't wait to watch you grow... just don't grow too fast! :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

22 Months.. WOW.

We have been blessed... Babe is such a pleasure to have in our lives. I often think about what our lives would be like without her... can't imagine it. She is so special to us and really completes our family. Not a day goes by that we don't laugh at something cute she is doing. She is a doll...
Alexis' top five favorite things at this age are: 5. Food 4. Sleep 3. Her Dog 2. Daddy 1. MOUSE
Some of the runner up's are: Mommy, Outside, Brother, Gracie, and Babies!
Alexis is such a sponge and is really following all things that Jacob and Grace do & SAY! She just idolizes them, it's so sweet and she is learning so much! There isn't anything this girl can't do or say (or at least attempt!).
She enjoys letting Abby outside, taking a vitamin (min), getting her coat on , getting in the tub, pushing things (strollers/carts) and reading.
We have had a few successes with going potty... and she does enjoy the M&M's that come after. If I could get her to do it a little more frequently I think she would really connect the two. :)
How can this sweet angel be approaching 2 so soon? She is so independent I have no doubt she will go far in life. I'm proud to be her Mommy... and can't help but feel loved when I'm with her!
It's hard to see he grow up... especially so quickly. But I know she has to and that we have many more memories to create and share. I look forward to them, yet try to cherish these days as well... gosh I love her. :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Jacob wants a brother....

Jacob informed me today that he wants a baby brother... he must have not received a memo that this baby maker is closed for business!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Babe is 21 Months...

WOW... our baby is nearing 2~ how did that happen?? Alexis has such the little personality... we love her more and more every day! She is getting so big and is so happy, funny, sweet, lovey, flirty, talkative, an adorable. She amazes us and sure has her siblings and parents wrapped around her little finger.
You would never know that Alexis has ear issues... this girl says everything. She talks all the time! She speaks in sentences (small). "I got it", "I do", "Hi, Mommy!"
She still LOVES babies, Mouse, and most recently princesses. Another love of hers is her clothing or shoes... she just cannot get enough of wearing my stuff, her stuff, Grace's stuff... Loves it!
Alexis has a love/hate relationship with food... she either loves it or pushes it away and says "yuck". Some of her favorites are pizza, mac n' cheese, fruit, carrots... and of course DIPS.
She also loves sweets... go figure!
She has continued to be smaller... most of her 18-24 month clothing is still too big. As far as shoes go... we have her in a 5 or 5.5 depending on the shoe. Hats are 12-24 Months... Speaking of heads... her hair is thickening up but still not growing much.
Her favorite toys continue to be babies, phones, keys, strollers, the kitchen (food), and anything someone else has. As far as television goes... she loves Mickey and Wiggles. BUT she will watch anything!
Lex is such an outdoor girl... she is always asking to go outside and when she gets there she always wants to "walk" as opposed to being carried and will just walk around aimlessly as long as you let her. I know she'll be a blast this year at the cottage and I'm sure she'll really enjoy it. Especially with Bella!
Her hair is still blonde... eyes are definitely brown... Doe got the baby she always wanted!
She loves to be sung too and loves music... loves to hear "Ba Ba Black Sheep" or "Itsy Bitsy Spider". She is now sleeping with her 2 Minnies, Seahorse Glow Thing, usually a baby, a blanky and buh. She loves going "nighty" and you can tell when she's ready because she starts asking for her baby or buh.
She runs pretty fast now and has even jumped with two feet a few times. She is quite the little dancer! Although she still likes to shovel her food in she is very good at using a "poon" (spoon) or "fork". She has also mastered drinking from a water bottle all by herself, which I find amazing to watch. Straws are very easy for her as well.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

WOW... 20 months old!

Babe has added SO many more words this month including: juice, pizza, money, princess, Ariel, Ema, putzI honestly cannot think of anything she cannot say/repeat. It is amazing!
She also knows many of her colors, especially the basics... she loves pink and purple, of course!

She can identify and name most of her body parts as well as other people's. She is constantly pointing to my nose and eyes... and saying nose/eyes.

Alexis has continued to be a super eater... she will really try anything. She loves pizza, pasta, fruit, cheese, bars, and anything sweet! Our neighbors all joke that she is the little "Mikey" of the group... she loves food!

The WIGGLES & MOUSE are the hottest thing in this 20 month old baby girls life! She sings and dances around whenever she sees them on TV. Alexis loves her babies and is such a little mother hen, especially with her "Belda". She has also started to want to sleep with her little baby (although I say its a little hard and plastic like to sleep with, she just loves it!).

We are still having clothing issues... 12-18 month clothes fit perfectly. Everything else is still too big. Shoes are going at a 5 and hats are about a size 12-24 months. She is still our little peanut for sure... so skinny!

Babe loves her Daddy... Mommy turns into second fiddle when Daddy gets home... he has to do everything with her! She just loves to be carried around by her Daddy! What a little princess!

She is a super sleeper... she sleeps from 7:30 PM until 7:30-8 AM... sometimes even later! Then she proceeded to take a 3 hour afternoon nap. What a girl!

She is such a happy girl and has the most adorable expressions... however I will be the first to admit she can bit a bit sassy... hair pulling, NO, and hitting to get her way to name a few. She is definitely the BABY! :)