Tuesday, March 15, 2011

22 Months.. WOW.

We have been blessed... Babe is such a pleasure to have in our lives. I often think about what our lives would be like without her... can't imagine it. She is so special to us and really completes our family. Not a day goes by that we don't laugh at something cute she is doing. She is a doll...
Alexis' top five favorite things at this age are: 5. Food 4. Sleep 3. Her Dog 2. Daddy 1. MOUSE
Some of the runner up's are: Mommy, Outside, Brother, Gracie, and Babies!
Alexis is such a sponge and is really following all things that Jacob and Grace do & SAY! She just idolizes them, it's so sweet and she is learning so much! There isn't anything this girl can't do or say (or at least attempt!).
She enjoys letting Abby outside, taking a vitamin (min), getting her coat on , getting in the tub, pushing things (strollers/carts) and reading.
We have had a few successes with going potty... and she does enjoy the M&M's that come after. If I could get her to do it a little more frequently I think she would really connect the two. :)
How can this sweet angel be approaching 2 so soon? She is so independent I have no doubt she will go far in life. I'm proud to be her Mommy... and can't help but feel loved when I'm with her!
It's hard to see he grow up... especially so quickly. But I know she has to and that we have many more memories to create and share. I look forward to them, yet try to cherish these days as well... gosh I love her. :)

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