Friday, July 31, 2009

Eye Issues...

Well I was hoping that I wouldn't have to post this, BUT last Monday we took Alexis to the pediatrician for what I believed to be pink eye. They prescribed her some antibiotic ointment and also said it could be a blocked tear duct. To help that we were also told to rub her tear ducts twice a day. (So adding that to our list of vitamins once a day, reflux meds twice a day, ear cleanings for her pierced ears three times a day, ointment and rubbing of tear ducts twice a day....whew!). If it didn't clear up in five days she has to go back... well guess what... it didn't clear up. I guess we are going back on Monday since it appears to be a blocked tear duct... UGH!

On the plus side... we don't have pink eye in our house!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


We checked off another thing on our summer time to-do list! We (Doe, the kids & I) headed to the zoo with Andy, Andrea, Conrad & Emmett. We got to see frogs, ducks, fish, kangaroos, seals, bears, peacocks, dinosaurs & so much more! Jacob, Grace & Conrad had a blast hopping from one exhibit to the next and Alexis & Emmett slept the whole way through. EVERYONE enjoyed lunch and the train ride. Such a nice summer zoo trip!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Jam, Walks, Parks & More!

In the last couple of days we have really been enjoying the summer weather... walks in the evening, making raspberry jam, park visits (with Pa, Bets, Mimi & Cam), and going to M's (Jacob and Grace call McDonald's... M's). We are really trying to make the most of our summer and pack as much as we can in! It always seems to go by WAY too fast!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Raspberry Pickin'

Today we took the kids to Miller's Big Red for some good old raspberry picking! We went with Andy, Andrea, Conrad, Emmett, Uncle Bob, Mimi, Cam & Bets. The kids had so much fun.... Jacob and Grace loved the picking (Grace did some picking and then would dump hers out, nice!) and also loved the eating! We also got to see some animals while we were there. Jacob has continued to talk about it, and wants to go back soon. Andrea, Emmett, Alexis & I had some good old conversation in the car while everyone else was pickin'. We think we are going to make some jam... as soon as we find an easy and simple recipe!


Well Wednesday I had my gallbladder removed and to be honest it was not at all what I had prepared myself for. When we left for the hospital that morning I was fully expecting to return home and be myself... that was so not the case.
After arriving and being prepped for the surgery I started to have some tightening in my chest... they chalked it up to anxiety and I was given some medication. I remember being wheeled into the OR and moving to the table, from there I remember NOTHING! When I woke up I was in alot of pain and felt like I was dreaming. I was taking in all that was going around me but I couldn't really talk or move. Everything is kind of a haze... I do remember getting pain medication there, and hearing the nurses talking to other patients. After I got into the second phase of recovery Greg was there... from there I was given discharge information, my incisions were checked and I was able to get dressed. They asked if I felt like I could go home... I knew that was the plan so I agreed, but to be totally honest I felt WAY worse than I did with any of the kids and with them I was expected to stay longer. Looking back things are still a bit hairy from this point... I remember getting wheeled to the car. When I was in the car I started to feel sick... I luckily made it home just in time. I laid on the couch and continued to be in a haze for the rest of the day. Greg took the kids to his parents' house which was nice because I was so not up for the job that day. My throat was so sore (from the breathing tube) and my back was also in a good amount of pain (I believe that was from the air they pump into you). I'm still not fully feeling like myself and am still feeling the puncture wounds (four of them... especially the one in the belly button!). I was prescribed Darvocet but didn't take it because I wanted to be able to nurse Alexis. She did so well during the 24 hours I was pumping and dumping. She was such a good girl and didn't complain too much about the change. I'm glad we at least made it through that, and now I'm just hoping to feel better and not have holding her hurt so much! The worst part is that I cannot drive, lift anything over 10 lbs (this includes 11 lb 3 oz Alexis!) or get up off the bed... I really feel useless. Anyone that knows me knows that is not how I work. I never just sit around... so this has been hard on me. I'm hoping to feel better and not so sore soon... unfortunately from what I've heard this is a very hard surgery/recovery (even though like Greg pointed out it is ONLY outpatient). Thankfully I've had alot of help from family with the kids... otherwise I don't know how we would have made it through!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


We have been growing some veggies... here are a few pictures of the kids "enjoying" their finished products! They love going to see what is on the plants... and really LOVE eating what is on their plants!

Grace biting into her home-grown cukes!
Jakey LOVES those "matoes"


Today we headed to Rosco's Carnival... Mimi & Cam came along and we had a really good time. The kids had snow cones, saw fire engines & police cars, saw Red Robin & Rosco, and just enjoyed each others company! It was hot but alot of fun! :)

J & Red Robin... it took him a long time to warm up to him!
Sharing a snowcone during our Rosco Carnival.

G, J & Cam on Engine 1
G & J by the police car.
Us with Rosco... everyone was a bit scared, EXCEPT Lexie & I.
Contemplating LIFE on the fire engine!
Listening to Rosco!

Monday, July 20, 2009


Grace is now completely potty trained! We are in our big girl "unders" day and night. I'm still anticipating a few accidents here and there, but today at Costco when we passed the pull ups (for which I had a coupon for, we just kept on walking!) She has been dry with no accidents for about 4 days, so we officially made the switch today for nighttime. We had been dreading this, but now I think she is ready! YEAH GRACE!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Pictures Down...

Since Doe has a new internet provider the picture links to the right and the kids' old websites do not work... Greg is working to resolve the problem. :( Hopefully we'll be back in action soon!!

Stats for Alexis & Ear Piercing!!

Alexis had her two month well baby visit with Dr. Kalo and she did wonderfully! Dr. Kalo kept commenting on how sweet and happy of a baby she was! She asked about her development and was amazed to see how well she could sit with assistance at such a young age. She also was asking about smiles (yup have those in large amounts) and cooing! As she said to me "Does she coo?" Alexis replied with a "ahhh". Perfect timing! Her reflux seems to be improved with the medication... she is still spitting up like crazy but it isn't long after a feeding and doesn't seem to be causing her discomfort (no cries, funny faces, etc). Dr. Kalo said to keep her on the medication, since we don't want it to resurface!
She also had 3 shots and an oral vaccine. She cried pretty hard and actually stopped making noise for a few minutes! Poor girl. :( Right before the shots she fell asleep so we had to wake her with the oral vaccine since we didn't want to be too cruel.
Her other stats are:
11. 3 lbs (75th percentile... still our little chunky monkey!)
22.5 inches (50-75th percentile)
The funny thing is that her head was only in the 25th percentile!! Little head on our big girl!
The doctor said she is measuring perfectly, and it is nothing to worry about.

After the doctor's visit and a healthy dose of tylenol we headed to Lakeside Claire's to get Alexis' ears pierced. She got some adorable little cz studs and did so well! She actually cried less for that than she did for the shots... and was so wiped from all the events she slept in her sling while we hung out at the mall... shopping, getting pretzels, and playing! We even ran into Jacob's friend Kaitlyn while we were there! :) What a great day!!

Tell me she doesn't look happy to be a girl... I don't think this BIG day phased her a bit! :)

Car Picnic's

Ever hear of a car-picnic?? I don't remember if I ever posted about them so I want to do it in case I haven't. Around here we have car-picnic's quite frequently... especially when we come back from Caseville. You see... for a car-picnic all you need is 4 things....1. Food 2. Drinks 3. A Passer (someone to pass food out) and 4. A Car (Duh!!)
The kids love them... and it makes it easier on us too! We can pack up and leave and not deal with the mess and fuss of eating at home. Jacob & Grace think it is so cool when we have a car picnic and love being surprised by what is in the bag! Today we had a car picnic when we went to drive by our new house/lot. We had some errands and got a late start so we packed up a car-picnic and away we went! :)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Have to share!

Grace has been calling ketchup "kepitch"... so cute! She can also jump on two feet now too!
Jacob has really started to ride his bike fast, recognizes almost all the letters of the alphabet!
Alexis has the cutest wide-eyed smile... she talks and smiles all day long. She is also an amazing sleeper!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Lexie Is 2 Months Old!

Seriously, how do these kids get so big and grow so fast! It seems like just yesterday we welcomed this beauty, our second daughter, into the world! We become more in love with her each and everyday, and each smile and babble makes us forget ever not having her in our lives.
Alexis continues to grow and thrive. She still seems so small, yet is getting bigger and bigger. She sits so well (with help of course) and really has amazing head control. She seems way stronger than the other two did at this age. She loves to sleep and eat, and almost always does both with her little feet crossed. In her second month Alexis has begun to imitate both words (I still swear she imitates us saying HI) and mouth actions (she imitates chewing and sticking tongues out). She adores her siblings and is constantly watches them. When she sleeps she loves to be swaddled... just like Jakey & Gracie did. AND just like them she is a little Houdini and her feet are always hanging out (sometimes hands too!). When she is awake she loves being talked to and playing in her bouncy seat or play mat. She tolerates the swing, but doesn't love it. She amazes me with how wonderful of a baby she is. She is so understanding and very patient (I guess being 3 of 3 will do that for you). We still joke she is so easy-going we are afraid we'll leave her behind! Her fussy moments are only when she is hungry or has a diaper issue. :) She sleeps like a champ and has been for quite sometime. Most nights she only wakes once and goes RIGHT back to sleep. She wakes in the morning so happy and talking to herself, it is so adorable. She absolutely loves being in her sling, the car seat... not so much! She has been taken all over town and has become very "worldly". She doesn't mind a bit, and well... we love to have her out and about with us. Her "look" has continued to change and she really has come into a look of her very own. She has similarities to both Jacob & Grace, yet she really doesn't look identical to either one (in my own opinion). Her reflux seems to be better most days with the medication, however since it does not help spit up... we are dealing with that still and that is causing many a burp cloths to be used... good thing we know an awesome burp cloth maker (right Doe!). Tomorrow she visits the pediatrician and I will update you on her "stats" and shots. Say a little prayer for her that she does well with them... then its off to ear piercing! :)

I get saddened to think about this little angel growing up and that this is the last time we will go through these stages of childhood. Life goes so very fast, yet each morning I'm reminded how blessed I am and how I want to savor my children and remember them vividly and with love. In the very worst of days, I still lay in bed and think about how much I love and care for these precious angels... and how really there is no one they matter more to in the world than Greg & I. (Although they really do have alot of people that love them, there is no greater love than the love of your child, right?)

Monday, July 13, 2009

A few vacation pictures...more to come soon!

Gracie & Mommy on the "Cruise Ship"
Jacob & Cam
Jacob in Daddy's YELLOW Kayak

The girls sitting poolside!

The most adorable beach baby EVER!

Doe's Black Eye!

As promised here are the pictures of Doe's two black eyes. The picture is a little non-flattering, but you get the idea! Read below to in the "Caseville" story for the details behind these shiners!

Building Has BEGUN!!

They dug our basement for our new home today... Jacob loved watching it (as did Grace). We are all so excited about this new adventure for our family! :) We also went back later on today to check out our "hole" as Jacob calls it, too funny! We'll keep you posted as things progress!


We JUST got home from our two week vacation in Caseville. We had so much fun and did so much! Some of the things we were able to do were: canoeing, DQ (the kids got twists with eyes, and LOVED that), petting farm, horseback rides, swimming at Mr. Gary's pool, fishing (Greg & Tim went and Tim caught a Walleye and they cooked and ate it!), shopping (Lexie's first shopping trip on vacation... J/G stayed back with Daddy!), park trips, and putt putt (Jacob & Grace's first time!).

We also got to spend most days down on the beach... playing in the sand and water. The kids both loved doing this. Jacob built a mud bath hole and they loved jumping in and out. Our "River" (a puddle that had formed in the sand on the beach) was also a huge hit... Jacob loved riding his toy jet ski in it! They both had numerous turns on both the four wheeler and jetski... something they both really enjoy! We got our our silver alumnium boat and Daddy took Grace & I on the "cruise ship". Jacob didn't want to go. :(

It was a very nice two weeks with family and friends. Gigi and Tete came for one of the weeks and Aunt Cathy, Uncle & Sophie also came up for a weekend. We got to visit with Bubba, Mimi & Cam for a day and we also took a day trip to the Ruffino's (that is always a blast!). Grace fished there with Uncle (she also decided to lick her fingers after touching the fish, yum.), we went on the Pontoon, ate, and the kids played. It was a lot of fun!

The worst part of our whole vacation was when Grace gave Doe two black eyes! Oops! She tossed her sippy cup up and first hit herself in the head (we laughed to get her to keep her mind off of it) and so she went to do it again and it hit Doe right in the eyebrow.... which lead to the two black eyes, and BOY ARE THEY PURPLE!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Potty Trained!

Grace has been doing really well with potty training... the only thing we haven't tackled is nap/bedtime. We are going to just wait a bit on that, and wait till she can stay dry for a few weeks during that time. We had a few accidents but she loves her underwear and wears it all day long! YEAH GRACE!!