Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Lexie Is 2 Months Old!

Seriously, how do these kids get so big and grow so fast! It seems like just yesterday we welcomed this beauty, our second daughter, into the world! We become more in love with her each and everyday, and each smile and babble makes us forget ever not having her in our lives.
Alexis continues to grow and thrive. She still seems so small, yet is getting bigger and bigger. She sits so well (with help of course) and really has amazing head control. She seems way stronger than the other two did at this age. She loves to sleep and eat, and almost always does both with her little feet crossed. In her second month Alexis has begun to imitate both words (I still swear she imitates us saying HI) and mouth actions (she imitates chewing and sticking tongues out). She adores her siblings and is constantly watches them. When she sleeps she loves to be swaddled... just like Jakey & Gracie did. AND just like them she is a little Houdini and her feet are always hanging out (sometimes hands too!). When she is awake she loves being talked to and playing in her bouncy seat or play mat. She tolerates the swing, but doesn't love it. She amazes me with how wonderful of a baby she is. She is so understanding and very patient (I guess being 3 of 3 will do that for you). We still joke she is so easy-going we are afraid we'll leave her behind! Her fussy moments are only when she is hungry or has a diaper issue. :) She sleeps like a champ and has been for quite sometime. Most nights she only wakes once and goes RIGHT back to sleep. She wakes in the morning so happy and talking to herself, it is so adorable. She absolutely loves being in her sling, the car seat... not so much! She has been taken all over town and has become very "worldly". She doesn't mind a bit, and well... we love to have her out and about with us. Her "look" has continued to change and she really has come into a look of her very own. She has similarities to both Jacob & Grace, yet she really doesn't look identical to either one (in my own opinion). Her reflux seems to be better most days with the medication, however since it does not help spit up... we are dealing with that still and that is causing many a burp cloths to be used... good thing we know an awesome burp cloth maker (right Doe!). Tomorrow she visits the pediatrician and I will update you on her "stats" and shots. Say a little prayer for her that she does well with them... then its off to ear piercing! :)

I get saddened to think about this little angel growing up and that this is the last time we will go through these stages of childhood. Life goes so very fast, yet each morning I'm reminded how blessed I am and how I want to savor my children and remember them vividly and with love. In the very worst of days, I still lay in bed and think about how much I love and care for these precious angels... and how really there is no one they matter more to in the world than Greg & I. (Although they really do have alot of people that love them, there is no greater love than the love of your child, right?)

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