Saturday, July 25, 2009


Well Wednesday I had my gallbladder removed and to be honest it was not at all what I had prepared myself for. When we left for the hospital that morning I was fully expecting to return home and be myself... that was so not the case.
After arriving and being prepped for the surgery I started to have some tightening in my chest... they chalked it up to anxiety and I was given some medication. I remember being wheeled into the OR and moving to the table, from there I remember NOTHING! When I woke up I was in alot of pain and felt like I was dreaming. I was taking in all that was going around me but I couldn't really talk or move. Everything is kind of a haze... I do remember getting pain medication there, and hearing the nurses talking to other patients. After I got into the second phase of recovery Greg was there... from there I was given discharge information, my incisions were checked and I was able to get dressed. They asked if I felt like I could go home... I knew that was the plan so I agreed, but to be totally honest I felt WAY worse than I did with any of the kids and with them I was expected to stay longer. Looking back things are still a bit hairy from this point... I remember getting wheeled to the car. When I was in the car I started to feel sick... I luckily made it home just in time. I laid on the couch and continued to be in a haze for the rest of the day. Greg took the kids to his parents' house which was nice because I was so not up for the job that day. My throat was so sore (from the breathing tube) and my back was also in a good amount of pain (I believe that was from the air they pump into you). I'm still not fully feeling like myself and am still feeling the puncture wounds (four of them... especially the one in the belly button!). I was prescribed Darvocet but didn't take it because I wanted to be able to nurse Alexis. She did so well during the 24 hours I was pumping and dumping. She was such a good girl and didn't complain too much about the change. I'm glad we at least made it through that, and now I'm just hoping to feel better and not have holding her hurt so much! The worst part is that I cannot drive, lift anything over 10 lbs (this includes 11 lb 3 oz Alexis!) or get up off the bed... I really feel useless. Anyone that knows me knows that is not how I work. I never just sit around... so this has been hard on me. I'm hoping to feel better and not so sore soon... unfortunately from what I've heard this is a very hard surgery/recovery (even though like Greg pointed out it is ONLY outpatient). Thankfully I've had alot of help from family with the kids... otherwise I don't know how we would have made it through!

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