Monday, August 31, 2009

Houston... We Have A HAND!

Today while Alexis was lying on the couch, she noticed she has a HAND! It was so cute... looked like she was in outer space watching it as it floated around in front of her!

It's a Girl!!

Well the word is out (and I'm glad I don't have to keep a secret any longer!). My brother Tim and his wife Cathy are having a GIRL!! The girls & I had such a nice time at their shower on Saturay... and Isabella got so many nice things!!
Greg also got to golf with the guys that morning.... wasn't that SO nice of them to invite him along!!! :)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Thumb Sucker...

Well we have our first little thumb sucker on our hands! The last few days Alexis has been sucking her thumb... she is getting better and better at it. She also still takes her pacifier occasionally too. It is really cute how she sucks so hard on her thumb. She'll also take anyones hand or fingers into mouth... and chomp away! She has me convinced that she is trying to cut some teeth!

She is the only one of our three that has ever even tried to suck her thumb... and oddly enough she doesn't just look like Mommy she is taking after her in this area too (I didn't suck my thumb till I was four months old!!)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Compliments For My Cuties!

Today during another stop at M's (we were celebrating our last soccer practice of the year)... we had an older couple that was sitting next to us. They kept saying how much Jacob looked like their grandson. Turns out they both were born on the same day... same year... same hospital... and both in the 2pm range! WOW!
Anyways.... J & G were so hungry they were mowing down their HAPPY MEAL... and the lady said to me that she wanted to compliment me on how well behaved my children were. :) She raved about how they were sitting, eating, and not running around or being loud while others were eating. She told me she was impressed with me... them... and the way I raised them! :) It felt really nice to have someone compliment me, we all like that once in a while, right? She went on to say... she wished her own grandchildren were as well behaved!
I know they are good kids... but its nice to know others see it too!
Mind you... as I was chatting with her... Grace dropped a fry and proceeded to pick it up off the ground and eat it. Yuck!

After lunch we went to the Party store and the kids got to pick out some Halloween/dress up costumes! Unfortunately.... the Tow Mater (a car from the movie CARS)... seems to be the most popular costume we picked (good thing we got 2 of them... they were only 5 dollars!). Grace doesn't seem to like ANY of the girly costumes I got her... instead she parades around in that darn car.... complete with backwards cap! I have to somehow try and sway her to something a little more girly by October 31st!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Jakey's FIRST Tiger's Game!

Tonight we took Jacob to his VERY FIRST Tiger's game! He was so excited to go! We got him the cutest little Tiger's Jersey & Hat... Mommy & J went out during the day to buy some special baseball snacks (yup... peanuts & cracker jack!). We drove down with Uncle Al & Cor-ta-knee and even stopped at M's! When we got there we were able to take a few quick snapshots in front of the stadium and with Mickey the Tiger! Pa, Andy, Andrea, Conrad & Emmett also met us there that night. The boys were so good... watched the game, ate snacks, took pictures, cheered, and sat in Mom's lap most of the game! Apparently they were all good luck charms... because the Tiger's WON!! :)

A Little Late BUT...My BABY Is 3 Months OLD!

Ok, really, how DID THIS HAPPEN!?!?!? Alexis is now three months old... I can't remember what life was like without her... and love her more each and every day! She is by far the happiest baby I've ever had... and the happiest little gal I've seen in a long time! She loves sharing her sunshine each and everyday with us! I can't believe how much she has grown and how much our love (Jacob's & Grace's included) has grown for her... she is such a sweet little one!
I try to treasure her since I know she is the last one... and it saddens me to see he growing up so quickly! Aside from smiling, cooing, laughing, and grabbing objects... she can also sit with assistance very well! She loves being in her little pink bouncy seat and also enjoys her play mat. Her big brother is one of her most favorite people... she flashes her little smile and bats her eyelashes at him all the time! She continues to love her sling, walks, Mommy/Lex feeding time, and sucking on her hands! (I swear she is getting a tooth!!!)
Although at first she didn't care for it... she is starting to enjoy bathtime/hair washing. She also doesn't mind getting her nails cut or painted either (well most days!)
Alexis continues to wear 0-3 month clothing... and a few 3-6 month things! She seems so much chubbier than our other two, but really isn't too much bigger size wise!
Alexis currently weighs: 12 lbs 3 oz(as of today 8.18.09).
She still loves to be swaddled when she sleeps (but pulls a "houdini" by sneaking her arms out)... holding my hand when she eats... SQUEALING and talking after her older sibs are asleep!
She is still eating every 3-4 hours during the day and at night she usually eats around 8 and sleeps till 8:30 waking once around 2ish. She is a super sleeper... we love it!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Cheeseburger in PARADISE!

We had yet another FUN vacation during Cheeseburger in Caseville! Some of the things the kids got to do this time around were: Free Eats with the Kohl Family, M's (during the trip there and back... and back we saw some of our Dillon pals!), decorating for Cheeseburger including our first Cheesy Tree, Cheeseburger "Parade of Tropical Fools" (they loved this... candy, beads, and TONS of people), walking around town, visiting the marina and seeing decorated boats, fishing, getting a visit from Gigi & Ilse (Ilse brought chocolate chip cookies... and that was the "topic of the day!"), walking to the crick (creek), and playing with Lucas, Cole, William & Louise on the beach! We had so much more we wanted to squeeze in but the beach on the beautiful warm days just really took all of our attention! Even Alexis got to dip her little toes in Lake Huron for the very first time... and in the sand for the first time as well! We took her picture in the sunset and it is the finale to my little collection!

I'm sad that summer is coming to a close and that this is our last big hurrah of the summer. I wish summer could last forever... the kids just love Doe's cottage! The sunsets and beach are their favorite things!

Jacob was even "big" enough to stay with Doe overnight at the cottage (I brought the girls home and went scrapbooking one night). He was a little reluctant at first and botched the first deal, but the second attempt went with much success! He had a great time and really enjoyed his peace and quiet! I never heard him cry either... YEAH!

Another big moment from this vacation was that Grace told me one night "I luv him, Mom"... I replied "Who Lou?" .... she said "Wookiss" aka "Lucas! Oh... summer love!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Little Giggler!

We have a new little "GIGGLE GIRL" on our hands! Alexis laughed at Mommy for the first time... such a cute little giggle she has!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Alexis Can GRASP Objects!

Today while in her bouncy seat Alexis went to grab a little butterfly and got it! Not just once either! YEAH!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Today the kids, Doe & I headed out to my cousin's house for a super large playdate! Jacob, Grace & Alexis had fun playing with the quads! Jacob & Grace were very good with them and loved all their toys! Alexis was a super girl as well... she even got to take a little swing in the quad's old swing. Gigi was there and was able to have all her Great's (great grandchildren) in one area for the very first time... it was a very special day! It went awesome (especially since we had 7 kids 3 & under in one area!) and we can't wait to do it again!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Troy Aquatic Center

Tonight we had a blast with the Kohl family (Heather, Tessa, Noelle, Andy, Andrea, Conrad, Emmett, Mimi, Cam & Bets) at M's (McDonald's) and the Troy Aquatic Center. The kids had fun in the kiddie pool, splash zone, and kiddie slides! Jacob loved the slide and must have went down about 50 times! Grace went down a few times too, but was more into laying on her stomach in the kiddie pool! Even Alexis enjoyed dipping her toes in! The whole way home Jacob asked if he could go back again!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Pop's Birthday

Tonight the kids & I baked a cake and we celebrated Pop's birthday! The kid's helped to blow out his candles and eat the yummy cake. We talked about Pop's with them, and Doe gave them a backrub just like Pop's loved.
We all still miss him terribly... and thinking about the girls never knowing him and Alexis never meeting him still hurts. Each day I try to talk with them about him... and doing little things like this helps to keep his memory alive. Pop's always loved to eat... and I think he'd be so happy we were eating cake on his birthday.

Honey... I WUV YOU!

Grace is hilariously funny these days... she walks around calling Jacob & Alexis "Hunny", saying "I WUUUVVV YOU" to them and trying to share Alexis' milk supply. This girl just repeats and imitates everything that goes on around her!

She is getting very excited to go to school.... and loves her new backpack. She has a bit of an issue with being "left" in the nursery at church (and she always is with Jacob), so I'm glad we've decided to enroll her for a day a week this fall. I think it will really help her with being prepared for the following year of nursery school. I now see how important that is for kids... since Jacob had such a hard time separating after being in the loving care of family for the first 3 years of his life! (Believe it or not... Jacob is almost four years old I'm proud to say aside from school he has never had any babysitters outside of his grandparents, great grandma, and aunts! (Grace & Alexis neither!).

Great Weather & Friends!

This weekend we had yet another great weekend in Caseville! Al & Courtney came up for the weekend and we had fun both on the beach & just hanging out playing cards. The four of us, AND JACOB, went canoeing... and had a really good time! Somehow Al even managed to become part of a rescue and get way more wet than he claimed he was going to get! It was an awesome weekend... we can't wait to do it again! :)

Monday, August 3, 2009

Lexie's Eye

Well despite taking 6 whole days to get better, Alexis' eye seems to be much better now! We are still not sure what caused the infection (pink eye or blocked tear duct) so we'll just have to keep an eye on it.