Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Little Late BUT...My BABY Is 3 Months OLD!

Ok, really, how DID THIS HAPPEN!?!?!? Alexis is now three months old... I can't remember what life was like without her... and love her more each and every day! She is by far the happiest baby I've ever had... and the happiest little gal I've seen in a long time! She loves sharing her sunshine each and everyday with us! I can't believe how much she has grown and how much our love (Jacob's & Grace's included) has grown for her... she is such a sweet little one!
I try to treasure her since I know she is the last one... and it saddens me to see he growing up so quickly! Aside from smiling, cooing, laughing, and grabbing objects... she can also sit with assistance very well! She loves being in her little pink bouncy seat and also enjoys her play mat. Her big brother is one of her most favorite people... she flashes her little smile and bats her eyelashes at him all the time! She continues to love her sling, walks, Mommy/Lex feeding time, and sucking on her hands! (I swear she is getting a tooth!!!)
Although at first she didn't care for it... she is starting to enjoy bathtime/hair washing. She also doesn't mind getting her nails cut or painted either (well most days!)
Alexis continues to wear 0-3 month clothing... and a few 3-6 month things! She seems so much chubbier than our other two, but really isn't too much bigger size wise!
Alexis currently weighs: 12 lbs 3 oz(as of today 8.18.09).
She still loves to be swaddled when she sleeps (but pulls a "houdini" by sneaking her arms out)... holding my hand when she eats... SQUEALING and talking after her older sibs are asleep!
She is still eating every 3-4 hours during the day and at night she usually eats around 8 and sleeps till 8:30 waking once around 2ish. She is a super sleeper... we love it!

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