Thursday, October 15, 2009

Five Month Old Beauty!

It blows me away to think how fast time is zooming by with our "baby". She does so much more each day... blowing raspberries, holding her head up from a laying position, rolling onto her side, babbles, coos, thumb sucking, toe touching, hand eye coordination. The list is endless and it amazes me!
Alexis had two teeth come in (bottom front) this month and she loves to chomp on fingers and toys with them!
I have yet to start our little princess on cereal. Since she is the baby, I'm having a hard time letting go of just ME feeding her. Soon though, since I know she is ready. Just I'm not!
Lex still isn't the biggest fan of tummy time. She doesn't mind it for a few minutes but would much rather swing, bounce, vibrate or be held by the kids!
I can't help but think she might end up being a late walker like her big sister. She is doing great with sitting up with assistance. But she doesn't love standing, and tuckers out with it quickly. Similar to big sis!
Sleep for her has changed a little bit. She is developing a consistent pattern. Morning nap, afternoon and early evening nap. She goes to bed around 8:30 and gets up around 8ish each morning. She still wakes at about 3 am and sometimes 5 am, and I wish I could get her to sleep through one of those but we haven't been able to do that. I guess she just loves me SO much!
Alexis is still wearing 0-3 month clothing, and starting to fit in 3-6 month stuff on occasion. Her shoe size is a 0. She is getting so big, yet everyone comments on how small she still is. I guess she is just our peanut. At 5 months Alexis currently weighs 13 lbs, 15 oz...
Of all the things our sweetheart does... I'd have to say laughing is my favorite! Especially when she laughs out of the blue at something Jacob or Grace does! It is priceless!
Now onto some favorite pictures of our littlest princess!

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