Sunday, November 15, 2009

Alexis Is 6 Months Old!

I know I say this ALL THE TIME... but seriously! How did my baby get to be 6 months old! Each day she brings new joys to our lives, yet the joys are masked by he sadness that she is growing so quickly and our "baby hood" days are almost over! I cannot wait to see the little girl she will become, but on the same hand I love the baby she IS!
Alexis absolutely adores her siblings! She loves to pull them closer to her and lights up when she sees them! The pulling closer sometimes results in some hair pulling, but the kids are pretty good about it!
She doesn't LOVE tummy time but doesn't hate it either. She makes crawling motions when she is on her tummy but has yet to roll over either way! She is just too content with her self and doesn't mind just laying there, what a good baby!
We are still holding at 2 teeth (bottom front). She sucks and bites on her thumb and drools like crazy so I can only imagine it is just a matter of time before more come in! Alexis loves to eat. She now eats rice cereal, oatmeal, peas, and squash. She will eat anything... but still wrinkles up her nose at the veggies. (Although she just recently started on them... so it may take a while to develop the taste). She also has tried stars, attempted sippy cups and even had a few nibbles off a biscuit on morning (she was starved... and so we let her try some, she loved it!). She is so very interested in watching others eat... and eating herself!
Alexis still seems so tiny... her hands and feet are still so small. Size 1 shoes are still big on her... and she can still fit in 0-3 month clothes... although mainly now she wears 3-6 month stuff.
Alexis is very content... content and nosey! She loves to watch those around her but will go anywhere! She loves the swing, boucy seat, playmat, ANYWHERE... really she is so easy! We are blessed to have such a wonderful baby! There is no doubt about it Alexis is so lovable she smiles and talks all the time! She is the happiest baby on the earth!! I adore her... but hey don't we all!??!?!
She is a bit behind on her doctor's visits because of holidays and stuff... so I don't have an official height and weight but I did weigh her today and she was 15 lbs 5 oz... and I thought that was neat since she was born on 5.15, just a little play on numbers!

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