Monday, November 9, 2009

Jacob's FOUR Year Physical...

Today Jacob had his 4 year check up. We had such a hard time this time... I had to drag him out of the car because he had a hunch he was getting shots and definitely didn't want them! He got his sight, hearing, blood pressure, eyes, ears, nose, throat and weight done by the nurse. He weighed 43 lbs and was 43 inches tall (the nurse told me he is perfect since by this age they are suppose to weigh one pound for every inch) Both of his measurements put him in the 90% percentile. Dr. Dubina came in and checked him out... giving him a gold star for knowledge, and overall health (she checked his walk, talk, back, heartbeat, and stomach). He cried or wimpered the entire time we were there saying "No Shots Mom!".
After Dr. Dubina and I talked about his allergies, and the H1N1 (she strongly recommended it) the nurse came back and gave him his shots (he got 3 total and a finger poke for bloodwork). I decided to take Jacob and Grace right after to the Troy office since they were having the H1N1 clinic and had 70 doses for ages 4+ and only a couple for under 4. We booked it there and made it just in the nick of time... we were the last ones in for the shot that day (they ran out that quickly!). This time the kids both cried but it was so quick they were over it pretty fast!

As a follow up... Jacob limped out of bed the next morning because of his shotty's and needed help sitting, can you tell he is a boy?!?!?!?

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