Saturday, March 27, 2010

Jacob's Cute Little Phrases...

Two of the cutest things I've heard lately out of Jacob's mouth is when he was on the phone he said he was checking his love message from Kaitlyn (3.22.10). Him & Grace were playing dolls and they Grace had to call him up... when she did he replied "Shelby Office" "Yup we can fit you in today." Can you tell we've been calling the doc alot lately! (our doc has two offices... Shelby or Troy). (3.25.10)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Smart Girl!

Alexis has done so much in the last week or so... it is amazing to see the little person she is becoming. She is so smart... funny.... adorable, well the list goes on! She started pointing on 3.21.10 and has since starting pointing with two fingers! She also says Doe (3.22.10), Bob (3.24.10), Bella (3.25.10), Pretty, Bird & Betts (3.26.10), What (3.27.10).

She has always loved playing peek-a-boo... and in the last few days she has started pulling up the blanket by herself and becoming really interactive in it... so adorable!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ear Infections & More... UGH!

Well let me start with the last week of sickness... beginning Monday (3.15). I woke Grace up to take her to school and she threw up. I decided to keep her at home... and she threw up 7 times that day (lasted until 12:30 pm) and she didn't get out of bed till about 3pm! She seemed better after that and even asked to go outside that night.
That night Lexie developed a fever... I decided since I was taking her to the ENT the next day we'd just hold out for that. While at the ENT he said she must have just had a virus... since she didn't have any ear issues/throat issues. Since she only had one ear infection in each side, the ENT wanted to wait on the tubes since she is so young.
She continued to have a fever for about 3 days... and then had a rash come Saturday/Sunday. We now believe she had Roseola.
MEANTIME... Jacob had an ear infection on Friday. Poor boy was complaining he was dizzy, took a nap, and had a fever. I should have known he was sick!
So fast forward just a FEW days to yesterday (3.22) just a week later (UGH) and Lexie has had a few days of poor sleeping, eating, etc. So Greg takes her to the night owl and low and behold double ear infections AGAIN! What a week... I'm so ready for spring!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Double Whamy!

Alexis was again diagnosed with double ear infections!! Poor Baby!

Monday, March 15, 2010

10 Months Old!

Hoorrrayyy! Alexis is 10 months old and really coming along way! She is finally over the hump of her 6 week illness (RSV, ear infections, yuck!) I cannot believe in just two short months she will be 1 year old! I will never understand how they grow so quickly!
In the last month she has started to talk more, clap, scoot and even made it up on all fours yesterday (3.14.10). She is so close to getting up there more if only she could tuck her legs underneath her!
Let me tell you Alexis IS the perfect baby... she is the type of baby everyone wants to have. SO happy, SO easy, SO sweet... SO PERFECT! Even friends and family say they want her... she will sit forever just playing by herself. She is amazing! Jacob & Grace were good babies as well... but they had more "moments" than she has. She even does well with strangers... she doesn't care as long as Mommy isn't around. If Mommy comes by then she usually decides she wants me instead! Hey she knows where her "lunch" is!
Speaking of "lunch", as much as I don't want her to I think Lex is starting to self-wean. She is now given a bottle in the evening to help her sleep through the night. (which she is almost there 5 out of 7 nights we are sleeping 8 until 6:30am). She usually only take about 3-4 ounces, which isn't very much but she seems fine with it. She is still nursed throughout the day... not planning on giving that up fully yet. She LOVES to eat... for breakfast she usually has either oatmeal and fruit OR waffles/pancakes. Lunch is usually a fruit/vegetable and then some type of meat (bologna/hot dog)/ cheese. Dinner is whatever we are eating or a jar of something and a fruit/vegetable! All our meals are followed up with stars/puffs and/or yogurt melts/dried fruit.
She loves to dance, clap and play in general with her brudder/sister. She now says "DOG" and makes a cute little face (with tongue sticking out) for Abby! She loves Abby! Alexis also really enjoys walks and being outside. Someone once thought she was a doll... she was so relaxed when we were out and about. Lexie really loves her Bella day! She has so much fun playing with Bella and the two of them are so cute together!
Size wise... Alexis is still pretty tiny. She wears a size 1 shoe!!!!!! AND it is big on her! She also wears 9 month clothing BUT can still fit comfortably in 3-6 month stuff... and even wears a few 0-3 outfits! I weighed her at home... she weighs approximately 17.5 lbs.

Clapping, Dog & Nighttime bottle!

Whew... Alexis has been doing so much more lately... it is CrAzY! She started clapping about a week ago. She loves to clap when she thinks she is doing something really cool OR if she likes something. She is really a quick learner. For the first time this morning I heard her say "DOG" while looking at Abby! She already says Mama, Dada, Tete, (what sounds like Hi) and a TON of other babblings as well.

About a week and a half ago we started to give her a bottle at night. (3.3.10) We (well I) was worried since she was having a hard time making it through the night without getting up (twice) so we tried giving her a bottle at bedtime. She now sleeps through (most nights... still not as late as I'd like sometimes!!) and the only worry of mine is that she only takes about 3-4 ounces. She seems to be doing well still nursing through the day.... and doesn't mind who she gets the bottle from. It's a sad thing for me... since I know it is the only beginning of the weaning process and I know my baby is growing up!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Mama with MEANING!!

My little baby girl is now saying "Mama" with some real meaning!!! She calls me when she wants me... she also says "Dada" and "Buh" (pacifier). She is signing for cup by putting her hand up to her mouth. She does it at almost every feeding... this girl loves her cup!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

All Clear!

I wasn't sure we'd ever hear these words... but today Jacob & Alexis both got the all clear from Dr. Dubina! She still wants Lex to see the ENT just to be sure, but I'm so happy I can stop going to see the doctor every week and stop visiting CVS! :)