Monday, March 15, 2010

Clapping, Dog & Nighttime bottle!

Whew... Alexis has been doing so much more lately... it is CrAzY! She started clapping about a week ago. She loves to clap when she thinks she is doing something really cool OR if she likes something. She is really a quick learner. For the first time this morning I heard her say "DOG" while looking at Abby! She already says Mama, Dada, Tete, (what sounds like Hi) and a TON of other babblings as well.

About a week and a half ago we started to give her a bottle at night. (3.3.10) We (well I) was worried since she was having a hard time making it through the night without getting up (twice) so we tried giving her a bottle at bedtime. She now sleeps through (most nights... still not as late as I'd like sometimes!!) and the only worry of mine is that she only takes about 3-4 ounces. She seems to be doing well still nursing through the day.... and doesn't mind who she gets the bottle from. It's a sad thing for me... since I know it is the only beginning of the weaning process and I know my baby is growing up!

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