Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Jacob's 1st & 2nd Friend Birthday Party!!!

(4.27.10) Jacob had his first friend birthday party at "pump it up"... they had so much fun on the bouncers, eating, and playing! Jacob had a really good time and so did Mommy (I got to chat with the Mom's that I miss so much but not taking Jacob to preschool!). Jacob did get a little rug burn on his elbow... and well he handled it like any man would (with alot of tears and whining!).
(4.28.10) was the 2nd friend party Jacob had at "Stevi B's". The boys got to make their own pizza, play a few arcade games, eat pizza and cupcakes... and have a good time. Jacob was so thrilled about both parties... and he is still talking about the plans he has for his next party!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Lex... AGAIN!

Alexis has been fighting the runny nose/runny eye combo so after a fever today I decided to take her into the night owl... turns out she has a double ear/double eye infection. Poor girl... and she really didn't even seem that miserable, but then again she never does!

First FRIEND Playdate!

Jacob had his first friend over to play... Carter (our new neighbor) came over and the boys had a blast playing. They played with almost every toy we have! Jacob even showed him his room and did Carter's hair on the Ariel beauty shop vanity!! lol...
The best part was I think that Carter & Grace almost kissed... it was so close but they pulled away about the same time! Whew... :)
Jacob, Grace, Carter & Brady have been spending alot of time in the last two weeks playing outside and inside (both houses), and they really have a great time together... here's to an awesome summer!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Grace is cracking us up!

Lately my comedian... Grace... has been on fire! Here are a couple of the cutest things she's said!!
-We were at t-ball and Tete came up and poked her... to which Grace replied... "DON'T POINT ME!" in her sassiest little voice!
-Grace was driving around Carter's 4-wheeler and wasn't watching where she was going. Doe said "Look Up Grace"... next thing you know Grace has her head in the clouds... ugh that girl!

Thursday, April 15, 2010


It's official... we have an crawler in our house! She is slow... but Mommy doesn't mind that a bit! She has been so close in the last few weeks, but she finally "got it" today!

11 Month Old Sweetheart!

Clapping, Crawling, Eating Mostly Solid foods, Talking... well what hasn't this girl done!!
I feel like the last year has just gone by even quicker than the last... time just won't stand still or even wait up for me!
Alexis started crawling the DAY she turned 11 months old... and has been on the move ever since. She even crawls in the downward dog position, now that's hard work! Lex can pull her self to her knees and has pulled herself all the way up a couple of times too!
It's sad to see her and know that these are the last "days" I'll have like that, but on the other hand I feel blessed to have gone down this road these three times, with these three kids. They have taught me so much, and given me a gift daily!
Alexis also enjoys clapping at herself or others... especially when you say YEAH! She also dances, waves, sticks her tongue out, and bounces around on her bottom.
Alexis is our little flirt.... and loves to be with other people. She is so happy and always content. Friends and family often comment on how happy and easy going she is... I believe in part since she is NUMBER 3 and since she always has someone or something to watch! Alexis will play with just about any toy she can get her hands on... she love babies, cars, balls and stroller rides. This girl is just EASY!
At 11 Months Alexis weighed 18 lbs even... the smallest 11 Month old I've had... she is very petite, and so gentle and loving. She is such a sweet girl, I can't wait to see the big girl she becomes!
I can't wait to see her this summer on the beach, in the water, and playing and interacting more with her siblings. She is going to love it!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Grace 3 Year Check Up!

Today Gracie saw Dr. Dubina for her 3 year check up. Dr. Dubina says she is right on target for everything... she can walk, talk (sometimes too much!), color, pedal a bike, she is eating well/drinking milk, and well... the list goes on! Her vitals also looked great!
Grace was very nervous about getting a shot today... no shots... however we did need to do a urine collection (Grace was AWESOME with this), a CBC.... didn't mind this, but hated the idea of the "bam-baid" (band-aid!), and we had to do an ear flush (Grace has powder like wax and it tends to stay inside... so we attempted to flush it, which didn't go over well... now we need to get the OTC drops).
Grace's 3 year stats are: 36 3/4 inches tall (50th percentile) and she is 32.8 lbs (75th percentile). Her BMI is also listed at 17.9, which the doctor assured me is fine! I guess it's more for insurance purposes that this is recorded!

Sunday, April 11, 2010


We had an awesome time in Chicago visiting Bubba this weekend! The drive even went well... Amy & I (and our four children!) had a pretty peaceful ride down... the way back was a little crazier, but we made it! Here is a quick rundown of our activities that we were able to do...
Thursday: Carl & Bubba came to the hotel... we had pizza, swam, and then when the kids went to bed we had Margarita's and played euchre.
Friday: Bubba & US went to the Woodfield mall. We played there, got pretzels and then met Betts & Pa for lunch an Bouna, and went to Legoland... which Jacob LOVED! We got to see so many awesome lego structures, watch a 4D Bob the Builder Movie, see how Lego's are made, ride a glider, play, go on a rollercoaster ride... and play with lego's! That evening we went to dinner and then met up with Aunt Kathy & Uncle Joe!
Saturday: We took the L (the train) and then a water taxi to Navy Pier to go to the Hands-On Children's Museum (which was AWESOME!), the kids had lunch at M's and then we walked down the pier to see the boats. We then got to ride the water taxi & L back... oh boy did the kids love that! Saturday evening we went to dinner at Pilot Pete's (a restaurant on the runway of Schaumburg airport) with Carl! (good job Carl on that find!). Jacob & Grace were so excited about the plane seats in the waiting area.... and we even got to see a few plans land/take-off.
We then headed back to the mall to meet up with Aunt Kathy, Uncle Joe, Scott, Lindsey, & Jackson for a little play time and ice cream! (unfortunately we also lost Alexis' bonnet there!)
Sunday: we headed home... it was a good time, can't wait to do it again!!


Lexie got her first molar this weekend while we were in Chicago! Top Left!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter 2010

Easter 2010 was so wonderful... we started the day with an egg hunt at home followed by an easter basket find! The kids were so excited to "find" their baskets... the bunny did make a big mess with the carrots we left him, but he apologized in his note so Mommy let it slide!
We then headed to the Kohl's for another egg hunt and more Easter baskets! Then we went with the Kohl's to Sycamore Hills for brunch! Even E. Bunny himself showed up, however Lexie hated him and screamed anytime he came near her! Poor baby girl!
From there we headed to Doe's for dinner and more Easter baskets with Gigi, Tete, Tim, Cathy & Bella!
The kids' are so spoiled... it looked just like Christmas around here! We are very blessed to have such generous family & friends!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Grace's 3rd Birthday Party!

Grace had her 3rd birthday party with a splash at the Macomb Recreation Center today! She had so much fun with her ariel cake (made by Doe), family, and special friends (Averie, Lily & Ava). We had some time initially to play in the play area, then we ate pizza & cake, opened gifts and then headed to the pool! Grace talked about it all the way home! Her favorite things about the day were getting her purple princess bike (which she already knows how to ride... sometime this winter she picked up on pedaling), eating cake, and splashing around in the pool!