Monday, April 12, 2010

Grace 3 Year Check Up!

Today Gracie saw Dr. Dubina for her 3 year check up. Dr. Dubina says she is right on target for everything... she can walk, talk (sometimes too much!), color, pedal a bike, she is eating well/drinking milk, and well... the list goes on! Her vitals also looked great!
Grace was very nervous about getting a shot today... no shots... however we did need to do a urine collection (Grace was AWESOME with this), a CBC.... didn't mind this, but hated the idea of the "bam-baid" (band-aid!), and we had to do an ear flush (Grace has powder like wax and it tends to stay inside... so we attempted to flush it, which didn't go over well... now we need to get the OTC drops).
Grace's 3 year stats are: 36 3/4 inches tall (50th percentile) and she is 32.8 lbs (75th percentile). Her BMI is also listed at 17.9, which the doctor assured me is fine! I guess it's more for insurance purposes that this is recorded!

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