Monday, September 28, 2009

My Girl Found Her FEET!

Alexis found her feet tonight! After bathtime I laid her down to lotion her up and get her jammies on when BOOM... she noticed she had feet! It didn't take her long to grab hold and start playing and trying to suck on those little piggies!
I don't know what it is about these things, but it makes me realize how super quick my little love is growing! She seemed so happy and proud of her accomplishment, as was I! But yet sad... sad to think that these firsts are the last time I'll get to experience firsts like this! I guess its just on to bigger and better things for her!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Girls & Dolls...

Grace's newest baby doll also has a name! Given to her by Grace of course... the newest addition's name is "MADISON". No clue where this came from but I think it's cute! :)

And here is a picture of Alexis with "Wendy". My old doll... some of you have heard some funny stories about us confusing Alexis for Wendy. So now maybe you can see why!! For those of you who have not yet heard, I almost had a heart attack last week when Grace left Wendy in the car during dance... when we came out and Wendy caught my eye, I thought for a minute I had left Alexis in the car!! Excuse Little Miss here... she was tired but Mommy wanted to take the picture before sending her off to bed!See the similiarity... aside from the the fact that Wendy is plastic, lol.

Thumb Sucker!!

The proof is in the picture...

4 Month Doctor's Visit...

Today Alexis had her 4 month well baby visit with Dr. Kalo. Her current weight and height are 13 lbs 7 oz and 24 inches long. For a four month old she would be in the 50th percentile but since she is about 4.5 months old Dr. Kalo said she is probably more like the 40th or so. Since Dr. Kalo said she had very tiny hands and feet, thats why she is just a little more petite. She is doing FANTASTIC developmentally... hitting all the milestones. The doc even almost got her to hit another one as Alexis ALMOST rolled over in the office. If she was down on the floor more, I think she'd have that too! Dr. Kalo was very impressed with how much she immitated me... I would smile, she would... I would make a funny noise with my mouth, she would, etc. Alexis loved Dr. Kalo and smiled and laughed for her like crazy! Dr. Kalo wanted to keep her for the afternoon!! She wants to keep her on the reflux meds but not increase just to keep her comfortable. She checked out her eye... and had a very fancy name for it. Basically she does have a blocked tear duct. We have to continue to massage it. She said usually they last for about a year, a year!! If it doesn't go away after that, then something has to be done with it. Dr. Kalo asked me what I thought about her eyes... I said "I think they are going to be brown". I then told her I'm not meant to have blue eye babies!! She laughed.... and said "Prepare yourself for brown, green or hazel".
Alexis also had four immunizations today... I wanted to get her the flu shot too, but no luck. Not until she is 6 months old.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fort Fraser

Today we met up with Andrea and the boys at Fort Fraser. It was a really good time... the kids had fun playing and played until dark! Emmett and Alexis had fun drooling and gooing at eachother too!

It was just another thing I wanted the kids to experience this summer... Jacob talked about it and CONRAD (of course) the whole way home. Jacob said his legs hurt too... so the kids took turns rubbing eachother's legs on the way home, how sweet is that!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


These were taken during watch week... the video taken was priceless!! Gracie didn't go at first during their play of "Hickory. Dickory. Dock"... then the second time a lil friend played with her hair!!
The last time she watched herself in the mirror!!
Then she got a sticker to show us...and was on her Merry WAY!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

New Pictures... YEAH!

We have some new pictures up on the side... from Tiger's Game on up... all new for your viewing pleasure!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

FOUR Months!

Alexis has grown so much in the last month... she continues to be the light in our lives (all of us). Her happy little self, and glowing smile is just the cutest thing! I really have never seen someone has happy as her! She loves attention and will talk to almost anyone! (She is just like Doe!). Her big bro & sis continue to love on her... they too cannot get enough of her!
We had her baptized this month, and I'm so glad she is now on "TEAM GOD"!
Her sleep schedule continues to amaze me. She has always been a such an awesome sleeper. She usually sleeps 8-8 waking only once. (I'll take it!). During the rest of the day I try to feed her every 3-4 hours. So that she gets enough from me during the day to sustain her in the night.
Believe it or not Alexis still fits into her 0-3 month clothing! I have put her some of Grace's old 3-6 month things so she gets a chance to wear them (the summer stuff). But most of it is still too big for her... our biggest baby is turning out to not be so big afterall. :)
Tete & I have been noting our little girls "Peach Fuzz"... she has hardly any hair and what she has feels like peach fuzz! I want to put some little clips in but for now our big, old gerbera daisy headbands will have to do (oh darn! ;))
We still swaddle this little one (it puts her to sleep instantly!) and she is still sleeping in the bassinette in the room with us. I want to keep her there with us as long as possible. It is the last time I will ever have this experience... how sad!
Alexis loves going shopping, giving wet kisses, being in her sling, being talked too, swinging, bouncing (she just loves her pink bouncy seat), walking (well strolling), and sucking on her thumb.
I weighed Alexis today... she currently weighs 13 lbs even. I cannot wait to take her to the doctors next week to see her "stats".

Alexis vs Tracy

Almost EVERYONE that knew me as a baby seems to think Alexis looks like me... you be the judge! Alexis is on top... I'm on the bottom!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Alexis' Baptism

Today we had Alexis' baptism at Kensington. It was such an awesome day... the service was nice, the baptism was unbelievable, Alexis was beautiful, and the after party was so much fun! During the baptism Alexis did so well... she didn't cry at all. I was a bit disappointed that Jacob & Grace didn't participate more in the ceremony but there was alot going on and it was during nap time so I'll have to suck it up I guess. During the ceremony each parent read a letter they wrote to their child and then the child was baptized. Alexis was able to wear both my baptism gown (to the church service) and the gown made by my Mom out of my wedding gown (for the baptism ceremony). For those of you who did not/could not attend here is a copy of our letter I read to Alexis:

Dearest Alexis Elizabeth,

We bring you here today, little one, to have you join God's family. You will not know the significance or remember this day, but as you grow you will see all that God's love has to offer you. To quote Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

From the moment you were conceived you have held a special place in our hearts. We have cared about you, loved you and cherished you from the very moment we knew about you. Our love for you is unconditional... and grows every single day. We look forward to watching you grow, as will the love we have for you.

On this special day you are wearing a family gown. The same gown your sister wore on her baptism day. This gown was cut from the cloth that I wore on the day I married your Dad and was sewn by your Grandma "Doe". On our wedding day we vowed with God by our sides to love and honor each other till death do us part.... today we vow to love, honor and encourage you for all the days of our lives.

You have truly completed our family... your happiness and love have shown us you were meant to become part of "our" family. We feel blessed that God has choosen us to raise such a sweet little girl. In looking at you we cannot comprehend how one cannot believe in God or the beautiful miracles he can create. As you have joined our family our love has grown in each other, in your siblings, and in "us" as a family. You are the apple of our eye, and bring joy to everyone that truly knows you.

Precious baby of ours, our beautiful gift from God, today we baptize you and will put forth our best efforts to raise you in God's way. Your father and I have high hopes and dreams of a long, happy, and successful life for you.

Uncle Tim & Aunt Cathy, your godparents... will also help to guide you on your spiritual journey, love you always, and protect you to the best of their abilities. Now with love and commitment to you we raise you up... to God on this wonderful day.

With all our love,

Mommy & Daddy

After the baptism we headed to Alibi with family and friends for salad, pasta, pizza and cake. I was so pleased with how smoothly the day went... I just wish we had a few more pictures! Everything was such a whirlwind... although thanks to Doe we did get some adorable pictures of Alexis in both gowns when we got home! Doe & I worked really hard to keep her dress out of her mouth, her feet down, and the slippery little girl sitting up! The smiling part was easy!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Jacob's First Day of Preschool!

Today was my baby boy's first day of preschool with Mrs. Norrod. He has a lot of familiar faces from last year: Kaitlyn, Jacob, Vito to name a few. There are four Jacob's in his class this year! I'm so proud at how much he has grown in a year and I'm sure he will continue to grow socially and academically this year! His teacher seems very caring and compassionate and I know that will help him SO much! Grace wanted to stay so badly today.. and even took her backpack when we went to drop him off. Here's to my SUPER STAR... and a SUPER YEAR!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Grace's First Day At DANCE!

Gracie had her first day of dance class today at Graceful Moves Dance. She is in a creative moment class and seemed to be very excited about going. Of course so was Mommy! We got her some ballet shoes, some adorable little leotards, tights, and off we went! We are still looking for the perfect ballet bag... but the purple one worked for her that day! She went back with her teacher Ms. Gretchen... and Mrs. Gretchen said she did really well (she even got a sticker). Grace almost cried when someone else started to cry, but then she did fine! I'm so proud of my little ballerina... I hope she continues to love dance as much has her Mommy did!

Labor Day Weekend!

We had a wonderful weekend... our last one of summer... in CASEVILLE! The kids really "seized the days". Gigi, Tete, Uncle & Aunt Caffy were all there with us. They had fun fishing, playing on the beach, eating corn, and just being with family! Aunt Cathy's family also came up to visit on Sunday... that was a blast! Jacob & Grace always seem so amazed and overwhelmed when they all come, way more kids than they are used too! BUT... they all share and get along so nicely! I can't believe summer vacation is over... Jacob & Grace cried almost the whole way home. No one wanted to leave. In fact a few times Jacob said to me "Mom, just go home and we'll come home in a week." I'm with him... I wish I never had to leave!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


School has kept us all pretty busy this week!
Last Thursday 8.27 we had Grace's "Meet The Teacher". She seemed to be very happy with Miss. Laura and the room. She explored the housekeeping area, the reading area, the train... and the POTTY! Yup... she went potty while she was there. We were all there with her and although she was shy at first she opened up and eventually no one wanted to leave the class or the pink microwave that was "EVERYONE'S" favorite toy!
This week Mommy also started school... I have been keeping busy with meetings, getting my room ready and my "Meet The Teacher".
Today Jacob had his "Meet The Teacher" with Mrs. Norrod & Mrs. Wendy. We got to meet up with alot of old friends and meet new friends! Jacob got to go on a special scavenger hunt and find all the fun things Mrs. Norrod has (including a Big Boy toy & menu, which Jacob LOVED!). We got to hear about all the fun things Jacob is going to experience... Mrs. Norrod seems very nice & extremely caring... exactly what Jacob needs! She even sent them home with a special goody bag to prepare them for the first day.
While Jacob was meeting his teacher Grace had her first day with Miss. Laura. She participated in so many fun activities (painting, playdoh, blocks, housekeeping, outdoor play and more!). She also had pretzels for her snack... yummy! She was a bit shy at first but had alot of fun while she was there!). She did take claim to "BAMMING" someone... but then later said it was herself she "BAMMED"... ugh! Crazy girl!!
Well... back to school we are!!