Tuesday, September 15, 2009

FOUR Months!

Alexis has grown so much in the last month... she continues to be the light in our lives (all of us). Her happy little self, and glowing smile is just the cutest thing! I really have never seen someone has happy as her! She loves attention and will talk to almost anyone! (She is just like Doe!). Her big bro & sis continue to love on her... they too cannot get enough of her!
We had her baptized this month, and I'm so glad she is now on "TEAM GOD"!
Her sleep schedule continues to amaze me. She has always been a such an awesome sleeper. She usually sleeps 8-8 waking only once. (I'll take it!). During the rest of the day I try to feed her every 3-4 hours. So that she gets enough from me during the day to sustain her in the night.
Believe it or not Alexis still fits into her 0-3 month clothing! I have put her some of Grace's old 3-6 month things so she gets a chance to wear them (the summer stuff). But most of it is still too big for her... our biggest baby is turning out to not be so big afterall. :)
Tete & I have been noting our little girls "Peach Fuzz"... she has hardly any hair and what she has feels like peach fuzz! I want to put some little clips in but for now our big, old gerbera daisy headbands will have to do (oh darn! ;))
We still swaddle this little one (it puts her to sleep instantly!) and she is still sleeping in the bassinette in the room with us. I want to keep her there with us as long as possible. It is the last time I will ever have this experience... how sad!
Alexis loves going shopping, giving wet kisses, being in her sling, being talked too, swinging, bouncing (she just loves her pink bouncy seat), walking (well strolling), and sucking on her thumb.
I weighed Alexis today... she currently weighs 13 lbs even. I cannot wait to take her to the doctors next week to see her "stats".

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