Thursday, September 24, 2009

4 Month Doctor's Visit...

Today Alexis had her 4 month well baby visit with Dr. Kalo. Her current weight and height are 13 lbs 7 oz and 24 inches long. For a four month old she would be in the 50th percentile but since she is about 4.5 months old Dr. Kalo said she is probably more like the 40th or so. Since Dr. Kalo said she had very tiny hands and feet, thats why she is just a little more petite. She is doing FANTASTIC developmentally... hitting all the milestones. The doc even almost got her to hit another one as Alexis ALMOST rolled over in the office. If she was down on the floor more, I think she'd have that too! Dr. Kalo was very impressed with how much she immitated me... I would smile, she would... I would make a funny noise with my mouth, she would, etc. Alexis loved Dr. Kalo and smiled and laughed for her like crazy! Dr. Kalo wanted to keep her for the afternoon!! She wants to keep her on the reflux meds but not increase just to keep her comfortable. She checked out her eye... and had a very fancy name for it. Basically she does have a blocked tear duct. We have to continue to massage it. She said usually they last for about a year, a year!! If it doesn't go away after that, then something has to be done with it. Dr. Kalo asked me what I thought about her eyes... I said "I think they are going to be brown". I then told her I'm not meant to have blue eye babies!! She laughed.... and said "Prepare yourself for brown, green or hazel".
Alexis also had four immunizations today... I wanted to get her the flu shot too, but no luck. Not until she is 6 months old.

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