Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Alexis is afraid of the big bad...

CHRISTMAS TREE!! For some reason my girls have the craziest fears! Today I was trying to take a quick picture of Alexis and she fell over and was a little bit under our Christmas Tree. She looked up and started crying. I sat her back up... thinking nothing of it... and when she turned around and saw it she again screamed! I must have tried doing it about 20 times and each time had the same response... what a goofy girl!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Time!

We had a whirlwind of a Christmas! We were so busy.... and so on the go, I'm just getting around to posting!
On Wednesday evening we went to church for the "Christmas Eve" service. It was so nice... Jacob was perfect the entire time, not one peep! Grace was a little harder... she noticed someone's food and drink (which aren't really allowed) and wouldn't give up on it. She also got upset when a baby cried and said "Baby Crying, Mama"... then later said "You are driving me nuts" (I think that was directed at me! Towards the end she even held up her coffee cup (with water) as the rest of us held up our candles! Alexis, of course, was perfect! She loved all the candles... as did the rest of us! After church we went looking for Christmas lights... and saw a light/sound show near Doe's house. Then Jacob got to go with Doe to get carrots for the reindeer... since he was such a good boy at church!!
On Thursday (Christmas Eve) we went to Tete's house for SO much fun with the Morang Family! The kids got to open some gifts, we ate yummy lasagne, played our annual candy game, and got to do some Christmas Crackers! When we got home we got on our special Christmas Jammies and read 'Twas The Night Before Christmas"... our special gift from Gigi!
On Christmas Morning we opened gifts at our house first before heading to the Kohl's for some awesome cinnamon twists, gift opening, and Christmas lunch. We all got so many nice things... but I think their favorite thing there was the Extreme Coaster (roller coaster) Santa brought for Betts & Pa's house! After our lunch we headed to the Borgman's. Aunt Cathy, Uncle, Bella, Tete & Gigi were all there. We had MORE wonderful gifts to open and had Christmas dinner. After dinner we hung out and watched movies from when I was little.
On Saturday night we were able to hang out with the Kohl's/Gordon's for their Christmas Party. The kids had fun playing with Cameron, Derek, Rachel & Dallas. Then on Sunday we celebrated with the Lerch's! Whew... what a busy weekend, but I wouldn't change it since we were able to spend time with so many people we care about! Jacob and Grace were so fun this year... I think this was our best Christmas YET! Jacob was so excited about everything, and his enthusiasm spread! He loved getting his toy crane, and said he must have been a good boy! I think the highlight of his stocking was the bars (granola bars) Santa brought! He loves those! Grace was so happy to get her purple motorcycle. She sat on it the whole time she opened her gifts! The hardest part for Greg & I is now finding a spot for everything... our friends and family are just BEYOND generous! We are so blessed!
Amongst all of the Christmas Cheer the kids' were battling some nasty illnesses! Grace had a fever for two days, as did Alexis. I took them both to the doctor on Christmas Eve... turns out Grace had bronchitis... and Alexis was fighting a virus. We decided to keep her from Tete's to let her rest up. She was really sick on Christmas Day... poor girl!

Friday, December 25, 2009

All I want for Christmas...

Is Lexie's FRONT TOOTH! Her top (front left) tooth came in on Christmas DAY! Oddly enough Mommy got her very first tooth on Christmas Eve back in 1979! I think we are more alike than we even know!

Monday, December 21, 2009

My Little Elves!

Jacob & Grace have both decided today that when they grow up they want to be ELVES! I guess my tree is always going to be full underneath! :)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Story time with SANTA!

This morning we took the kids to Story time with Santa at the library... Santa was so awesome there! Grace was a little leary at first, but after I told her Santa wouldn't touch her she sat right down next to her big brother and enjoyed the stories! At the end she even sat right up on his lap.... Lexie was too tired to see the big guy in red this time... so we let her sleep!

Alexis' Weight!

As of today at 7 months old... Alexis weighs 15 lbs 14 oz! I'm amazed since she weighs less than Jacob & Grace did at this age, yet she started out so much bigger than both of them!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Class Parties!

Today Jacob and Grace both were able to celebrate Christmas with their classes at school. Grace headed off first with Ms. Laura. She got to do some crafts, watch Rudolph, play, and have a pizza party! When Mommy went back to get her Ms. Laura was amazed at how much Grace ate (which wasn't even that much for her!). She wondered how the smallest child in the class could polish off two pieces of pizza, a breadstick, and applesauce! She's a hungry girl! We got a beautiful handprint tile, and a little wreath that Grace made, she is so talented.Mommy got to go along to Jacob's party... we had so much fun! Jacob got to get reindeer food, decorate cookies, play a christmas tree beanbag toss, pin the nose on Rudolph, make a candy cane ornament, and make an ice cream ornament! He did such a nice job on all of his stations! He also sang a few songs for us AND played some Christmas games with his class! What a fun morning! After the party Jacob & Mommy went out to lunch with some of Jacob's friends at
school! We even went to his favorite spot... Big Boy!
Jacob & Grace at Ms. Laura's class...
Jacob at his classroom... PARTY time!!
Jacob by the tree with the ornaments made by his class!
Making Cookies!
Pin the nose on Rudolph... he did pretty good!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Gingerbread Houses

The kids had so much fun today making a gingerbread house courtesy of Mommy's work friend Jan! It was the best one I ever made, and it was SO easy to do! The kids loved decorating... and we/are so proud! Jacob, my little artist, loved putting the decorations on.... and Grace loved to eat them!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

7 Months Old!

Wow! I can't believe I'm writing about my 7 month old baby girl! What a pleasure and joy it is to have Alexis in our family.... she really completes us and gave us such a new little personality to enjoy! I simply cannot imagine our lives with her or the other two wonderful children god has given us! We.are.blessed!
Alexis has done and become so much in this last short month! She is doing so well with sitting... she is sure to topple over as soon as you walk away or let go of her but she is really "getting the hang of it". She loves to blow raspberries, talk (she says da-da), smile (she has a beautiful little smile), and grab her little feet!
Jacob and Grace continue to entertain and delight her daily! She really loves them... and never feels alone when they are around! They are both so good with her, especially Jacob. They are big helpers and I can always count on them to help me get her ready, throw away diapers, feed her, and keep her happy!
Alexis is being such a good eater like her big sister. Daily she has rice or oatmeal cereal for breakfast and then for dinner she has the cereal and either a fruit or a vegetable. She really prefers the vegetables to fruits, but I try to keep trying them. I think she just finds them a little tart. I noticed that at this same age Grace at so much more, so I'm wondering if I now should include a lunch for her. She seems satisfied... so we'll see!
Alexis has also followed Grace's footsteps in during her seventh month she became a power napper! I'm hopeful that she'll grow into the long naps that Jacob & Grace have given me over the years! Some days Alexis does sleep long, but it seems as if in the last couple of weeks, we've had alot of short ones. I don't mind... gives us extra time with just the two of us!
Alexis has her front four bottom teeth, we are waiting on the top two. Maybe for Christmas!
On Saturday the 12th, we had Alexis vaccinated for the H1N1. She did really well with it. I'm happy with our decision to vaccinate the kids. I feel like we have done what we need to do to protect them from the virus... and that makes us feel good.
I can't believe that in a few short months we will have another little one running around. I hope that the love they share expands and develops into something wonderful. Each of them and the bond they share continues to amaze me. I hope I'm around for a long time to be able to see it!

Monday, December 14, 2009


Alexis has started sitting pretty well... she is still not trusted, but can do it for quiet a while! Yeah Alexis!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Alexis aka Babe... is such a little "head banger" as Jacob calls her! When she nurses or eats she flings her arm up and down banging her little head! It is pretty funny to watch!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Some funny things...

This past week Jacob was playing with black & white play-doh at Bet's & Pa's house... I guess he was making pie's... then he said look at this a "COW PIE!".

Greg told Jacob he had a surprise for him the other day downstairs... Jacob said, "Is it drywall, Daddy??". I'm wondering what four year old is excited about drywall and pods???

Can you see that???

Can you see the baby spit all over your computer screen????? Never fear it is just Alexis & her major RASPBERRIES she blows!!!!!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Alexis' PT Evaluation & Gracie's Tooth Evaluation

Well it was a busy day for our Kohl girls'. We started out the morning at Lexie's physical therapy evaluation. Each time I visit the MISD it is like a big old reunion! I saw so many friends and family. It is always nice to catch up and BOY OH BOY... did they love Alexis! She was just charming everyone with her happy ways! She did really well showing Jean (a friend of mine from SVSU) all her tricks. Toe touching, pushing up, tracking, grabbing, cooing, smiling, etc. She even managed to tripod herself for a few seconds! (aka sitting) HOWEVER... she still wouldn't roll over no matter how hard we all tried or how many toys we pulled out for her. To be eligible for physical therapy she needed a delay of about 3 months... well she wasn't even close. She only has a three week delay (simply put the only thing she can't do is roll!). She isn't even eligible for the playgroup for which you need a 20% delay (1.5 months for her age). SO.... luckily she isn't going down that road. Jean did mention if she still wasn't doing it in a month she'll have to re-evaluate her.
Alexis was so wiped out she feel asleep as soon as I put her back into her carseat. Mommy did a little more visiting and people did a little more oohing and ahhing over Alexis, her coat, her hat, her bracelet, her well... HER! :)
After that eval I went and swapped girls and took Grace to the pediatric dentist for the evaluation on her tooth. She was such a big girl and went back all on her very own! She got x-rays, her teeth cleaned, and Dr. Shah checked out her tooth! While she was back there the hygienist came out and asked if she bit her tongue. I thought she meant "often", so I replied "no". She asked again if she had injured it... then I remembered the night before she was running around fell and Cameron fell on top of her. She came up and had blood in her mouth. She had bitten her mouth and tongue. So I told her what happened and she said.. well if she cried hard, it was for good reason since it was a pretty deep slit. OUCH! I explained that her name is Grace, but she is not always so "graceful"! I went back to see my girl in the chair with big old Dora glasses on and she was being so good! She had a purple snow white toothbrush, a purple balloon, floss and a (you guessed it!) PURPLE butt purse! They discussed some things for me to watch for with her tooth and that they want her back in a month to check it out. The dentist said we'll need to make a decision about what we want to do with the tooth. She explained that we can leave it or do the root canal... but if we do leave it, it can rot or abscess. She was such a star and did so great! What a big girl!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Grace can WINK!

Well with both eyes... but whose saying that isn't a wink!


Yup... you read right my "mini-me" betrayed me by saying DADA first! That little stinker!
But how can you not love a little sweet face like this!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Today we took the kids & Doe, Aunt Cathy, Uncle & Bella to see Santa at Weigands! The kids warmed up to Elvin the Elf pretty quickly... BUT... Grace wasn't so hot on Santa! Jacob went right up to him and read him his list 1. Crane, 2. Cars Bike, 3. Slippers, 4. KLEENEX!!! (I seriously don't know where this is coming from!). Grace handed hers off next and Santa read hers 1. Purple Motorcycle 2. Trains. Alexis got to sit on Santa's lap and really loved him. She was a happy little camper with the jolly old guy! Bella and Santa had a little cat nap together... it was so sweet! Santa gave the big kids a sucker and after a few donuts and MANY pictures we headed out!
The funniest event of the whole trip was as we headed out Jacob had to stop by almost every tree and take a picture... well we stumbled upon a fireplace with stockings. Grace said "Momma, deese tights?" lol... that girl just hates tights!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Elvin & The Reindeer...

On top of moving this weekend we decided to do some fun things with the kids, since it is still the holiday season so today Doe & I took the kids to Weigands to see Elvin the Elf... and Dasher & Dancer. We got there just in the nick of time to have some donuts, watch Mr. Rick making donuts and to see the Reindeer prance in. Jacob & Grace didn't want to get to close but watched from afar... until they mustered up some will to visit with Elvin and talk with him about their lists. (They got excited about him after Mommy told him that the Elves make all the toys!)

We also celebrated Daddy's birthday today... it is always nice to spend the day with the family.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Grace's Christmas List...

On the top of Grace's Christmas list this year... a train. Not quite what I imagined my little girl to want!

Dentist Visit!

Jacob & I had our 6 month cleanings today! Jacob did so great... a little afraid of Mr. Slurpee (the sucker that gets the wet out of your mouth) but he loved watching Dora, getting orange polish on his teeth, having his teeth counted, picking out his toothbrush, chapstick, and flossers... and the prize (he picked a snowman bouncy ball). I, of course, also did a great job! Neither Jacob or I had any cavities!
Grace came along since it was my last visit before she turned 3. Uncle Frank checked out her teeth, examined the gray one, and she also let Nikki polish one of her teeth. She didn't like Mr. Slurpee either! But she sure loved getting her bag of loot... toothbrushes, flossers, chapstick, and her prize... A RING!
As far as her gray tooth... we have to have it examined by a pediatric dentist. It is most likely going to need a baby root canal. Since she is so young I'm nervous about this... but I trust our dentist and I know it is what's best. The good news is she can be sedated... now I just have to muster up the courage to call and make the appointment!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

4th Tooth!

Alexis got her 2nd bottom left of center tooth this morning! This girl is a serious tooth machine!