Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Time!

We had a whirlwind of a Christmas! We were so busy.... and so on the go, I'm just getting around to posting!
On Wednesday evening we went to church for the "Christmas Eve" service. It was so nice... Jacob was perfect the entire time, not one peep! Grace was a little harder... she noticed someone's food and drink (which aren't really allowed) and wouldn't give up on it. She also got upset when a baby cried and said "Baby Crying, Mama"... then later said "You are driving me nuts" (I think that was directed at me! Towards the end she even held up her coffee cup (with water) as the rest of us held up our candles! Alexis, of course, was perfect! She loved all the candles... as did the rest of us! After church we went looking for Christmas lights... and saw a light/sound show near Doe's house. Then Jacob got to go with Doe to get carrots for the reindeer... since he was such a good boy at church!!
On Thursday (Christmas Eve) we went to Tete's house for SO much fun with the Morang Family! The kids got to open some gifts, we ate yummy lasagne, played our annual candy game, and got to do some Christmas Crackers! When we got home we got on our special Christmas Jammies and read 'Twas The Night Before Christmas"... our special gift from Gigi!
On Christmas Morning we opened gifts at our house first before heading to the Kohl's for some awesome cinnamon twists, gift opening, and Christmas lunch. We all got so many nice things... but I think their favorite thing there was the Extreme Coaster (roller coaster) Santa brought for Betts & Pa's house! After our lunch we headed to the Borgman's. Aunt Cathy, Uncle, Bella, Tete & Gigi were all there. We had MORE wonderful gifts to open and had Christmas dinner. After dinner we hung out and watched movies from when I was little.
On Saturday night we were able to hang out with the Kohl's/Gordon's for their Christmas Party. The kids had fun playing with Cameron, Derek, Rachel & Dallas. Then on Sunday we celebrated with the Lerch's! Whew... what a busy weekend, but I wouldn't change it since we were able to spend time with so many people we care about! Jacob and Grace were so fun this year... I think this was our best Christmas YET! Jacob was so excited about everything, and his enthusiasm spread! He loved getting his toy crane, and said he must have been a good boy! I think the highlight of his stocking was the bars (granola bars) Santa brought! He loves those! Grace was so happy to get her purple motorcycle. She sat on it the whole time she opened her gifts! The hardest part for Greg & I is now finding a spot for everything... our friends and family are just BEYOND generous! We are so blessed!
Amongst all of the Christmas Cheer the kids' were battling some nasty illnesses! Grace had a fever for two days, as did Alexis. I took them both to the doctor on Christmas Eve... turns out Grace had bronchitis... and Alexis was fighting a virus. We decided to keep her from Tete's to let her rest up. She was really sick on Christmas Day... poor girl!

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