Tuesday, December 15, 2009

7 Months Old!

Wow! I can't believe I'm writing about my 7 month old baby girl! What a pleasure and joy it is to have Alexis in our family.... she really completes us and gave us such a new little personality to enjoy! I simply cannot imagine our lives with her or the other two wonderful children god has given us! We.are.blessed!
Alexis has done and become so much in this last short month! She is doing so well with sitting... she is sure to topple over as soon as you walk away or let go of her but she is really "getting the hang of it". She loves to blow raspberries, talk (she says da-da), smile (she has a beautiful little smile), and grab her little feet!
Jacob and Grace continue to entertain and delight her daily! She really loves them... and never feels alone when they are around! They are both so good with her, especially Jacob. They are big helpers and I can always count on them to help me get her ready, throw away diapers, feed her, and keep her happy!
Alexis is being such a good eater like her big sister. Daily she has rice or oatmeal cereal for breakfast and then for dinner she has the cereal and either a fruit or a vegetable. She really prefers the vegetables to fruits, but I try to keep trying them. I think she just finds them a little tart. I noticed that at this same age Grace at so much more, so I'm wondering if I now should include a lunch for her. She seems satisfied... so we'll see!
Alexis has also followed Grace's footsteps in during her seventh month she became a power napper! I'm hopeful that she'll grow into the long naps that Jacob & Grace have given me over the years! Some days Alexis does sleep long, but it seems as if in the last couple of weeks, we've had alot of short ones. I don't mind... gives us extra time with just the two of us!
Alexis has her front four bottom teeth, we are waiting on the top two. Maybe for Christmas!
On Saturday the 12th, we had Alexis vaccinated for the H1N1. She did really well with it. I'm happy with our decision to vaccinate the kids. I feel like we have done what we need to do to protect them from the virus... and that makes us feel good.
I can't believe that in a few short months we will have another little one running around. I hope that the love they share expands and develops into something wonderful. Each of them and the bond they share continues to amaze me. I hope I'm around for a long time to be able to see it!

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