Thursday, December 3, 2009

Dentist Visit!

Jacob & I had our 6 month cleanings today! Jacob did so great... a little afraid of Mr. Slurpee (the sucker that gets the wet out of your mouth) but he loved watching Dora, getting orange polish on his teeth, having his teeth counted, picking out his toothbrush, chapstick, and flossers... and the prize (he picked a snowman bouncy ball). I, of course, also did a great job! Neither Jacob or I had any cavities!
Grace came along since it was my last visit before she turned 3. Uncle Frank checked out her teeth, examined the gray one, and she also let Nikki polish one of her teeth. She didn't like Mr. Slurpee either! But she sure loved getting her bag of loot... toothbrushes, flossers, chapstick, and her prize... A RING!
As far as her gray tooth... we have to have it examined by a pediatric dentist. It is most likely going to need a baby root canal. Since she is so young I'm nervous about this... but I trust our dentist and I know it is what's best. The good news is she can be sedated... now I just have to muster up the courage to call and make the appointment!

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