Sunday, February 28, 2010

Disney On Ice!

The kids had a fabulous time at Disney on Ice today... they all wore their halloween costumes (1 Mickey/2 Minnie's) and everyone loved it! One lady even gave us a 3 thumbs up!! They all watched so intently, even Babe! It was an awesome show... all the princesses/disney characters were there. Doe went along with us and she even made the kids special Mickey spaghetti for dinner that night, lucky kids!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sick x 2!

On Monday night Jacob had a 104.5 fever, was having trouble breathing and said his chest hurt. So I took him (and Alexis in for her follow up after the urgent care visit) in to see the doctor on Tuesday. As soon as she listened to him she said he had pneumonia. He had to have a breathing treatment immediately. She also wanted him to have a CBC and a chest xray. You guessed it he didn't like the finger poke but the xray tech said he did so well with the chest xray (I couldn't go in since I had Lexie with me). Alexis on the other hand had more than a follow up... she had to be put back on the breathing treatments and antibiotic for a flare up of the ear infection. Jacob went home on antibiotic and breathing treatments as well.
I think his favorite part was getting stickers and a toy... anything to distract him from the finger poke!
They called later to say his chest xray came back normal...
Thursday Greg took them back in for the recheck... Dr. Dubina said there was no question he had pneumonia she could hear it in his lungs. She thinks the xray came back normal since he had just had the breathing treatment. She put him on steroids and said his breathing treatments needed to be done every four hours round the clock. He needs to be rechecked next week, no school... no outdoors.
Alexis was checked and her ear is only minimally better... Dr. Dubina has referred her to a ENT, Dr. Becker for potential tubes in that left ear. She is now off breathing treatments off steroids, but still on the antibiotics... recheck for her next week as well.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Shanty Days!

We had an AWESOME weekend in Caseville this weekend for Shanty Days! The weather was so nice too, which made it great for all the outdoor activities. Thursday morning Doe & I headed north with the kids. We stopped at Big Boy (Jacob's favorite) and Walmart (to get some groceries) before getting there! The funniest thing was on the way up we saw cops trying to get a cow out of the road, a helicopter land next to big boy where some guys got out to eat, and we thought the windmills had moved but really there was just more of them we never noticed!
That night the kids had an ice cream and popcorn party... they loved it like ALWAYS!
Friday morning we went sledding and out to play in the snow. We were going to make a snowman but the snow just wasn't the right type. Lucas came up Friday which made them both very happy but they didn't get to play with him for very long since we just kept "missing" him. On Friday I also had to take the baby to Urgent Care at Schurer Hospital. She had a fever and given her recent history I didn't want to chance it. They were amazing and so thoughtful there. Alexis was thoroughly checked out, had a CBC done, and RSV wash. She did test positive for RSV (which is what Dr. Dubina originally diagnosed her with). They did still notice the fluid in her left ear but it didn't appear infected, so that was good. We got her prescription for the steroids filled there at the hospital and left feeling really good about the visit. Dr. Slater was so good to us, as were the nurses.
Saturday, despite the illness, we decided to head out to the shanty days festival. It was so beautiful so I bundled the kids up and we went to Hoy's Marina to meet up with the Dillon's. We were able to watch human bowling (sledding down a hill trying to knock down plastic garbage cans), chick on a stick (two guys running 1oo feet with a girl hanging from landscape lumber on ice), the potty trotty (teams pushing outhouses on ice), and the polar bear dip (need I say more)! When we got home I actually looked a little sunburned... it was so warm and toasty out, beautiful!
Jacob took a nap that afternoon (well all three did) and when he got up he said he didn't feel well and had a temp. We laid low that evening hoping he would feel better.
Sunday we headed out to play outside again and then went home... Shanty days was so much more than I expected, what a great time!!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

First Meal TOGETHER & Ariel...

We had our first meal together yesterday (well the kids anyways)... all three of them had grilled cheese! You see this is a BIG thing because until now Jacob & Grace at the same thing but Lexie had baby food. It is SO much easier to feed them when they all eat the same thing... :)
Tonight I washed princess Ariel's hair. I didn't have a cup in the tub (couldn't find it at the time... and since I usually bathe them by myself I can't "go get it" if it's missing!) so I told Grace she was Ariel (the Little Mermaid) and she laid back and I rinsed her hair as she had her head in the water. Of course Jacob had to be Prince Eric (Ariel's Prince!).

Monday, February 15, 2010


One of the most beautiful gifts came into our lives 9 months ago today. Alexis is such a treasure, so happy, a joy to love, beautiful, spirited and so much more. I love this little girl... and can't wait to see the little one she will turn into.
Her smile contagious, her laugh immeasurable, her joy AMAZING. She is our first baby that will smile even when your not. I think that she is simply the happiest baby I have EVER seen.
Alexis is always talking... and has started to say some words: Dada, Buh, Ma, Bra (brother), Hi, and today she said Te (for Tete)... some of the words aren't consistent but she has said them all. She really loves Abby and tried to say dog, but it came out like DUH. lol...
Our girl is sitting REALLY well now. She is also enjoying tummy time more and can maneuver really well while on her tummy. She can go 360 and pretty much grab whatever she wants! Lexie can also stand up against furniture now... you can tell she feels like such a big girl doing this, yet she still looks so tiny!
In the last month Alexis has really enjoyed spending time in her jumperoo, on her activity mat (she likes to sit and play with the hanging toys), her dog Violet, the play remote, and blocks (she loves playing with her brother and sister and ANY of their toys too!).
I love the way Alexis waves, dances, peeks (lays her head down to see her loved ones!).
I'm so proud to say that Alexis is still being nursed... I feel blessed that even though she is the third child I've kept her going this long. She has also been introduced to so many foods and is doing great with those as well. In the three short months she has been eating she has been introduced to cereal, veggies, fruits, dinners, and now table food! She is just so quick to learn and eager to try new things. Some of her favorite baby food continue to be fruits (any kind), carrots, sweet potatoes, chicken and STARS! As far as table food goes she has had/loves cheese, bologna, noodles.
And of course.... her Tete has spoiled her with treats on Sunday at Gigi's. I think she has had cake, cookies, brownies... hey, with that many teeth what can't the girl eat!
For her 9 month birthday Alexis was able to visit Dr. Dubina again and her ears finally checked out clear. A little fluid but the infection is gone (HORRRAY!)
Dr. Dubina checked her all out and said she is "perfect". Her development is totally on track and the doc was very pleased to hear that she has started table food and is using a cup at meal time. Her iron was checked (because of the history with Grace) and it was normal. She also had a urinalysis and a CBC done. When Dr. Dubina looked in her mouth she was "amazed" at how many teeth she already has (8) and said her back four molars are coming in... and her gums are very swollen. Alexis currently weighs 16 lbs 14 oz (49th percentile) she is 26.5 inches (25th percentile) and her head is a WHOOPING 44 .5 cm (75th percentile!... a jump from the 25th at 6 months, YIKES!).

Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentine's Day Celebrations...

Today Jacob, Grace and Mommy had their class Valentine Celebrations! Jacob had an ice cream party... Grace had a pizza party... and Mom also had an ice cream party! Jacob took Mickey Mouse invitations... Grace "priness" ones. They were SO excited and looked absolutely adorable in their Valentine RED Gear... a must right?!?!!?

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Our baby girl is STANDING! She can't stand by herself for long (maybe a few seconds) but she is standing very well up against furniture/stable items! YEAH for our BABY!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Medication GALORE!

Well in the past week we have had 3 rechecks for Alexis and 1 for Grace. Grace was cleared... and told to come off the breathing treatments as of (2.1.10). Alexis was checked on 2.1.10 also by Dr. S and was "cleared" luckily Mommy didn't feel confident in that and decided to call back. Dr. Dubina wanted to see us tomorrow and told us to keep her on all her treatments. The next day (2.2.10) when Daddy took her back in they said she should remain on breathing treatments till Friday and that her ears where no better (so the put her on the z-pack instead). (Mommy was so mad that the ears were checked and cleared the day before... I mean seriously! Between that and the lungs... I was not happy!). Today I took Alexis for yet another recheck and Dr. Dubina said her lungs sounded clear... however one of her ears is still pretty bad. SO... now we are on another antibiotic, hopefully this will do the trick. Dr. Dubina said that with the type of virus she had it has been very common for them to have lingering effects since it is such a nasty virus... hence the persistent ear infection!

We are so lucky to have such a happy baby... she has been a little funny about eating. (she usually eats about 2 jars of baby food per meal) but since she has been sick she hasn't eaten near that!). She also has been funny about laying on her back and has been flipping to her stomach when she sleeps (the doctor said the pressure is probably bothering her ears). Other than that and an occasional batting of the ears she has been as perfect and happy as always!

Alexis will go back for ANOTHER recheck/9 month baby visit next Monday... hopefully she is all better by then! But let me tell you she is very unsure of the doctor's office these days!

Lex is SICK still!

Well we went for another recheck with Lex today... she STILL has an ear infection. Dr. Dubina said that these ear infections post RSV are really hanging on. We'll return on 2.15.10 for another follow up AND her 9 month well baby visit (well we hope its a well baby anyways!).