Monday, February 8, 2010

Medication GALORE!

Well in the past week we have had 3 rechecks for Alexis and 1 for Grace. Grace was cleared... and told to come off the breathing treatments as of (2.1.10). Alexis was checked on 2.1.10 also by Dr. S and was "cleared" luckily Mommy didn't feel confident in that and decided to call back. Dr. Dubina wanted to see us tomorrow and told us to keep her on all her treatments. The next day (2.2.10) when Daddy took her back in they said she should remain on breathing treatments till Friday and that her ears where no better (so the put her on the z-pack instead). (Mommy was so mad that the ears were checked and cleared the day before... I mean seriously! Between that and the lungs... I was not happy!). Today I took Alexis for yet another recheck and Dr. Dubina said her lungs sounded clear... however one of her ears is still pretty bad. SO... now we are on another antibiotic, hopefully this will do the trick. Dr. Dubina said that with the type of virus she had it has been very common for them to have lingering effects since it is such a nasty virus... hence the persistent ear infection!

We are so lucky to have such a happy baby... she has been a little funny about eating. (she usually eats about 2 jars of baby food per meal) but since she has been sick she hasn't eaten near that!). She also has been funny about laying on her back and has been flipping to her stomach when she sleeps (the doctor said the pressure is probably bothering her ears). Other than that and an occasional batting of the ears she has been as perfect and happy as always!

Alexis will go back for ANOTHER recheck/9 month baby visit next Monday... hopefully she is all better by then! But let me tell you she is very unsure of the doctor's office these days!

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