Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sick x 2!

On Monday night Jacob had a 104.5 fever, was having trouble breathing and said his chest hurt. So I took him (and Alexis in for her follow up after the urgent care visit) in to see the doctor on Tuesday. As soon as she listened to him she said he had pneumonia. He had to have a breathing treatment immediately. She also wanted him to have a CBC and a chest xray. You guessed it he didn't like the finger poke but the xray tech said he did so well with the chest xray (I couldn't go in since I had Lexie with me). Alexis on the other hand had more than a follow up... she had to be put back on the breathing treatments and antibiotic for a flare up of the ear infection. Jacob went home on antibiotic and breathing treatments as well.
I think his favorite part was getting stickers and a toy... anything to distract him from the finger poke!
They called later to say his chest xray came back normal...
Thursday Greg took them back in for the recheck... Dr. Dubina said there was no question he had pneumonia she could hear it in his lungs. She thinks the xray came back normal since he had just had the breathing treatment. She put him on steroids and said his breathing treatments needed to be done every four hours round the clock. He needs to be rechecked next week, no school... no outdoors.
Alexis was checked and her ear is only minimally better... Dr. Dubina has referred her to a ENT, Dr. Becker for potential tubes in that left ear. She is now off breathing treatments off steroids, but still on the antibiotics... recheck for her next week as well.

1 comment:

Erin said...

geez, Tracy!! You guys just can't catch a break!! I'm so sorry that everyone has been sick. I hope the kiddos start feeling better soon (I hope you and Greg have stayed healthy through all of is no fun for Mama AND baby to be sick).

Take care!