Monday, February 15, 2010


One of the most beautiful gifts came into our lives 9 months ago today. Alexis is such a treasure, so happy, a joy to love, beautiful, spirited and so much more. I love this little girl... and can't wait to see the little one she will turn into.
Her smile contagious, her laugh immeasurable, her joy AMAZING. She is our first baby that will smile even when your not. I think that she is simply the happiest baby I have EVER seen.
Alexis is always talking... and has started to say some words: Dada, Buh, Ma, Bra (brother), Hi, and today she said Te (for Tete)... some of the words aren't consistent but she has said them all. She really loves Abby and tried to say dog, but it came out like DUH. lol...
Our girl is sitting REALLY well now. She is also enjoying tummy time more and can maneuver really well while on her tummy. She can go 360 and pretty much grab whatever she wants! Lexie can also stand up against furniture now... you can tell she feels like such a big girl doing this, yet she still looks so tiny!
In the last month Alexis has really enjoyed spending time in her jumperoo, on her activity mat (she likes to sit and play with the hanging toys), her dog Violet, the play remote, and blocks (she loves playing with her brother and sister and ANY of their toys too!).
I love the way Alexis waves, dances, peeks (lays her head down to see her loved ones!).
I'm so proud to say that Alexis is still being nursed... I feel blessed that even though she is the third child I've kept her going this long. She has also been introduced to so many foods and is doing great with those as well. In the three short months she has been eating she has been introduced to cereal, veggies, fruits, dinners, and now table food! She is just so quick to learn and eager to try new things. Some of her favorite baby food continue to be fruits (any kind), carrots, sweet potatoes, chicken and STARS! As far as table food goes she has had/loves cheese, bologna, noodles.
And of course.... her Tete has spoiled her with treats on Sunday at Gigi's. I think she has had cake, cookies, brownies... hey, with that many teeth what can't the girl eat!
For her 9 month birthday Alexis was able to visit Dr. Dubina again and her ears finally checked out clear. A little fluid but the infection is gone (HORRRAY!)
Dr. Dubina checked her all out and said she is "perfect". Her development is totally on track and the doc was very pleased to hear that she has started table food and is using a cup at meal time. Her iron was checked (because of the history with Grace) and it was normal. She also had a urinalysis and a CBC done. When Dr. Dubina looked in her mouth she was "amazed" at how many teeth she already has (8) and said her back four molars are coming in... and her gums are very swollen. Alexis currently weighs 16 lbs 14 oz (49th percentile) she is 26.5 inches (25th percentile) and her head is a WHOOPING 44 .5 cm (75th percentile!... a jump from the 25th at 6 months, YIKES!).

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