Sunday, February 1, 2009

24 Week Doctor's Visit...

So Thursday (1.29.09) I went in to see Dr. Chu for my 24 week doctor's visit.  You'll all be happy to know that everything checked out perfect.  I have gained 4 lbs (wouldn't know it to look at me... I feel larger than a house and I should mention that I have only really gained back 4 of the 15 I have lost so I'm still at -11 lbs) blood pressure, thyroid and all other vitals are great! Dr. Chu & I found the baby's heartbeat right away this time and it was loud and clear! We also discussed my upcoming trip to Florida (she said it was fine but to remember to get out of the car every couple of hours... which really everyone should!)Dr. Chu is also going to be in Florida (although I forgot to ask exactly when in February... wouldn't Greg love that if she was right there if we needed her!!) We also discussed my issue I had a few weeks ago... she said it could have been my gallbladder or indigestion... really no way to tell without an ultrasound.  She said to just watch it now and if I have any issues to call and they will send me to have it checked out.  I'm fine with that, if it was nothing no need to get all worked up and go for a bunch of tests.  

Next visit will be in four weeks and will include my LOVELY 1 hour glucose test... YUCK!

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