Monday, February 23, 2009

27 Week Doctor's Visit...

Today I had my 27 week doctor's appointment with Dr. Mikula.  I also had my (routine) glucose tolerance test today... with that oh so lovely ORANGE drink (I cannot stand orange flavored drinks so it was nasty to me!).  My blood pressure was super (128/76) and weight gain is "steady" now (I didn't ask and don't want to know the exact numbers).  We also discussed my upper right quadrant pain that I have been having (I had it three more times in Florida).  Dr. Mikula doesn't believe it is contractions (neither do I) so I didn't have to be checked however in addition to my blood draw for sugar and thyroid they were also going to test my liver enzymes.  She said she would call tomorrow to let me know the results.  She mentioned it could be either the liver or possibly my gall bladder... hopefully the blood work will come back and give them a more definitive answer.  She wants to "keep and eye on things" so instead of my 4 weeks between visits I'll be back in 2 weeks.  

I'm still working on my long Disney post... soon I promise.  I wanted to squeeze this in though since I knew some were wondering how it went! 

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