Sunday, February 1, 2009

Weekend in CASEVILLE!

We all went up north this weekend to Caseville with Doe.  Doe, the kids & I left after I got out of work on Friday and the kids were perfect in the car (Jacob slept about 45 minutes in the car and Grace slept the whole way... the rest of the way Jacob just laid there.  I joked he was a cow... sleeping with his eyes open). We stopped in Bad Axe to do a little shopping and we were at the cottage by 5 pm.  There was a TON of snow... drifts taller than both Jacob & Grace.  Good thing we had the driveway plowed or we would not have gotten in! We made spaghetti that night (Jacob had fun cooking it!) Greg got up there around 7:45 and we just hung out watched movies, had a popcorn party (we promised it to Jacob... it was his first time having it!) 
Saturday morning we got up, had our breakfast and headed outside... it was very chilly.  Daddy & Doe went to "dig out" (literally) our jetski at the marina (it was in for repairs).  While they were gone we watched Mr. Bob work, the kids shoveled, and I pulled the kids in the driveway on the sled.  When Daddy & Doe returned we played a little longer and then headed in for lunch.  After lunch and nap we had fun just hanging out again... we did venture back out for a bit and Greg took the kids on the four-wheeler... we also had fun watching the snow mobilers (not sure how to spell that!) and ice fisherman in their shanty's! Doe bought Jacob a whoopi cushion and he was quite the jokester playing with that... although Grace absolutely hated it, he had a good time. Jacob stayed up late (ok, so 9:30) two nights in a row and both nights he went to bed so good.... just after finishing his popcorn he said he wanted to go to bed... off he went! 
Sunday we packed up to come home... and Greg took the kids outside and they went sledding, out on the ice (don't worry it is VERY thick), and just sloshing around in the snow.  It was a much warmer day which was nice.  On our way home the kids were gold star children again... Jacob slept the entire way... and Grace slept about an hour (she had a hard time stopping making noises with her boots, which she just figured out how to do!). We stopped at Gigi's and that was the first time we heard Jacob.  His head bobbed and as it did his eyes opened and he said... "I'm at Gigi's!" Too cute!

Grace is really linking her words up... when Jacob had his whoopi cushion out she kept saying "I don't like".  She also has been saying "I can't", "I'm trying", "I'm ready", "Me Do It", "I want to" and so many other things! She repeats anything Jacob says... some of her newest words this weekend were catch (they wanted to play catch the ball) and POME... yes... we have another one saying Pome!! 

We always have so much fun up there... sun or snow! The kids love it and want to go back again to sled and play in the snow.  They really could have stayed out all day long! I can't wait for summer again!!

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