Thursday, February 5, 2009

Grace is 22 Months Old!

Well, well, well... where do I begin.  I can think of so many things I could say about Grace and all the little miracles she has given us in her short time with us! She is beautiful, smart, funny, talkative and so much more! She makes us laugh every single day! 

She absolutely loves being outside (snow, warmth... it doesn't matter she just walks around aimlessly taking it all in) babies (we always have to look for them in the store real or other... no matter) her brother (I tell you he is her idol!!), her dog, and food (this girl loves to eat!)  Oh and I almost forgot SLEEP (she just loves to sleep... YEAH)!

Grace will eat anything... we were at Costco last night and we passed by a sample of the blue tortilla chips with hummus and salsa.  Do you think she ate it... yup! The lady was absolutely amazed! Not me... she will really eat anything, especially if it has a "dip" she just loves that! As she sat and ate her lunch the other day I watched the cute little way she rubbed her feet together and it took me back to the days when I nursed her... she used to do the same little thing.  She would rub her feet on me, the chair, whatever... she just always did that.  It brought back so many fond memories of that special time with her. 

The thing that most continues to amaze me is how much she learns from Jacob.  She copies his every move and word.  (she has picked up so much vocabulary from him... especially in the last couple of months, weeks and days).  Just yesterday she imitated him saying: stool, shower, more again, pop out, I'm hungry, and that's just to name a few in one day! I'm so relieved to know that she is doing so well with speech and no problems are apparent right now.  

Something that she does that ALWAYS cracks Greg, Jacob & I up is when we go upstairs for bed she ALWAYS has to say "Bye Dog", well lately she thinks she also needs to say goodbye to her other favorites... "Bye Shoes", "Bye Car", yeah the list goes on! Tonight when we left Doe's she kept saying "Bye Uncle" as he was in the car next to us.  This girl and her vocab just keep amazing me! Jacob's speech teacher says she thinks she has "quite the vocabulary for someone her age!" YEAH!

She loves doing her hair, brushing her teeth, taking her "min" (vitamin), washing her "hanney's" (her hands), getting dressed and getting a tubby. She cracks me up that she enjoys these things so much!

We have had a few successes with going potty... and she does enjoy the M&M's that come after. If I could get her to do it a little more frequently I think she would really connect the two. 

We celebrated Doe's birthday tonight as well... at Red Robin of course!!!! Uncle & Aunt Caffy & the "San Fransisco Treat" came too, the kids got to share Doe's ice cream sundae.... then it was back to Doe's for dessert and a spill off the front porch for Uncle! It was a very fun night. I have some cute pictures to post and hopefully they'll be up soon.  

It's hard to really believe our little girl is going to be 2 soon... time sure did fly!  I look at her and feel so blessed to be HER mom! I thank god everyday for the time I have been given to spend with her and cannot believe how amazing she is! I realize soon she'll be as big as my big boy and all grown up.  It does make me a little sad... but I know it will bring so many more wonderful memories and experiences for the 5 of us.  Ok... so I maybe a little "emotional" about it, but I just think they grow up so fast and I honestly can't imagine spending my time doing anything else besides being with them.  But then again... that is what "Good Mom's" do!

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