Thursday, March 5, 2009

Little "G" is 23 Months Old!

It seems so hard to wrap my head around the fact our baby girl will be 2 next month! Having Grace in our lives has been such a pleasure and surprisingly so different than our experience with Jacob. She lets nothing stop her... she has determination, will, and a spunky little personality that influences us and makes us laugh every single day!

The other thing that just amazes me about Grace is how motherly she is... she just loves babies and cannot get enough of them. I know that she was just meant to be a big sister and will have a special spot in her heart for the new baby. Jacob has always been such an idol to her... she does everything and says everything he does/says. I can only imagine what she will teach her little sister and the bond they will share... I'm sure it will yet again surprise us all and create wonderful memories. I'm so excited to see how she reacts and see her love for this baby.

Grace's favorite things to do are play with babies (real or fake), imitate her brother, play with Abby, go to work (riding in her car or the four wheeler... speaking of that she caught on so much quicker to that than Jacob and alot of other kids I have seen), eat (anything!), give kisses, brush her teeth, try to go on the potty (mainly number 2!), clean (with wipes or the vaccum), watch Minnie/Mickey and gang, watch the wiggles, try on sunglasses, and jump on the bed or off anything (she is quite the daredevil!).

Her only thing that has been holding her back is her "shadow" if you haven't yet watched it be sure to check out the post below to watch the video with her and her shadow. She was very afraid of it for a few days, but now seems to be friends with Miss. Shadow!

Grace is developing an amazing vocabulary and each day Greg & I are amazed at how much more she says. She is saying small sentences now... "Mommy, I want up" was her newest. She will repeat anything (toodles= Mickey Mouse is the one that made us laugh most recently). The funny thing she does is when we are leaving somewhere she says "bye" to everything... bye shoes, bye daddy's car, bye dog. Same when we come home... hi daddy's car, hi daddy's house (lol), hi shoes, hi coat. She just goes on and on... she even does this when she goes upstairs to go to bed!

She has the appetite of a horse or her Uncle Tim... this girl can chow. She can eat 2-3 pieces of pizza. She amazes me with how much she can pack away for how tiny she is. She loves her food and really doesn't have many dislikes. The weird thing is neither one of my kids are big on meat/chicken as a whole. Grace will eat it "in" something but not on its own. Not surprising... since I won't either. She also has totally mastered water bottles... the hardest thing is she doesn't quite get when she bends over if the cap isn't on she'll be wet! Oops!

Grace is still waiting to cut her two year molars but I think they are on there way. She told me that her teeth hurt today and she had her hand in her mouth ALOT today! She also has been asking for her "buh" (which she only has at bedtime) and her knee (her blankey... which again she only has at nap time). We'll see, well hopefully we'll see... they are a little hard to spot!

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