Monday, March 23, 2009

Up North...

This weekend we decided to head up north (both Doe & Greg were anxious to see if there was still ice on the water or if it had went away... it did in fact melt away!). It was a fairly nice weekend... sunny but a little chilly! That didn't stop us from getting outside and doing some yardwork as well as exploring the beach! Jacob & Grace had fun walking back and forth on the snow covered beach (which Mommy sunk into one to many times!). Uncle Tom & his friend came by and helped tip over our ice/water filled fishing boat, which really relieved Jacob!
We had some nice dinners, shopping excursions, and popcorn parties (one of Jacob & Grace's favorite things to do up there!) we even managed to bake a cake... YUM!
It's nice to sneak away up there even though the weather isn't always the best... its very relaxing and always brings back memories of my Dad for me.

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