Thursday, March 26, 2009

Meet Charlie...

Well at least my leg has!! I've been so close to having those darn charlie horses... and then it hit.  Two nights ago I had rolled over and stretched my leg out when BAM... a charlie horse.  Greg slept through the whole thing.  Boy... it hurt.  I was still limping the next day at work.
Aside from that my sleep has been REALLY good.  I often start on my left side but have been finding myself on my stomach when I awake.  I don't know how it is still possible, but knowing I have always loved to do this, it doesn't surprise me!
I've STILL been dry heaving daily and throwing up about once a week.  I'm use to it so it doesn't bother me a bit.  Baby is moving like crazy and often my stomach is looking like a earthquake is inside.  
The hardest thing is the fact that I'm feeling very overwhelmed.  Between having our house on the market, Grace's birthday, getting ready for baby (and yes... even though it is our third we still have TONS to do!), report cards, kindergarten open house, our new lovely kindergarten screening process, Jacob's speech & school... let alone our DAILY list of things to do I've had a rough couple of nights which usually lead to tears and breakdowns.  I just don't know how to physically do it all when I'm already physically drained.  I think that has to be the hardest thing about the whole pregnancy... just "splitting" myself up and yet trying to give Jacob & Grace the attention that they need and deserve.  The days of being pregnant with our first or even just having babies now seem so easy.... 

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