Monday, March 9, 2009

Doctor's Visit... 29.5 Weeks!

Today I had my doctor's visit with Dr. Mikula.  All is looking good with weight gain, blood pressure and my lab work (believe it or not I was actually below the normal range for my PIH labs (deals with blood pressure!).  She reminded me that we still have to keep an eye on that, and I am by no means "out of the woods".  We discussed my ongoing upper right quadrant pains and she feels that I should have an ultrasound.  She fully believes that I have a colic-y gallbladder due to the pregnancy.  I may need to have it removed, but we will see. I am going to have my ultrasound done, and go back to see her in 2 weeks.  She did ask me if I wanted the number of the surgeon (which freaked me out a bit)... then we decided to wait to see what the ultrasound shows. She said it could show nothing... we'll see.  I also had my PIH labs done again, just to be on the safe side.  
Lastly we talked about the oh so lovely lice outbreak at my school and what I can use if I happen to get it.  Which I'm really hoping I don't!! The good news is there are a few treatments that are safe to use when pregnant, which was my major worry! I just get all itchy thinking about it! 

All in all I'm still feeling really good.  Aside from being really tired and having pains in my upper stomach I'm doing good.  The hard part is lifting the kids, stairs (yes carrying the kids), and all that other little stuff.  The baby is really becoming quite active (especially when I lay down at night).  We have been talking more with the kids about their new sister.  Jacob seems to understand, I don't think Grace gets it.  I have been waiting to tell them until it got closer, I have heard not to tell them too soon for different reasons.  Jacob has told many people the baby's name.. and also have told us the baby's name should be "Pete the Baby Girl" (from Mickey Mouse).  He is too much! 
I'm surprisingly still able to wear my regular jeans... YEAH! Shirts I haven't attempted, I'm sure they are too short!  I have no swelling but I do have some bouts of indigestion.  Ugh...
We also began to get some things out for the baby... clothes, bottles, etc.  Jacob loves helping with the baby stuff and always says "AWWW".   I still feel as if there is tons more to do (getting her bed ready, more baby stuff out, diapers to buy, clothes to wash... let alone all the "other daily stuff" that goes into having 2 other children and a house for sale. )  Most nights I'm completely overwhelmed. I look back on the days I had "Just Jacob" and chuckle that I actually thought I was "busy".  I didn't have a clue!! YET... I wouldn't have it any other way!

1 comment:

Leah said...

hey tracy. i had the upper quadrant pain too, right under the ribs. mine came mostly when i was sitting down. it would get really uncomfortable, so much so that i couldn't stand to sit anymore and would have to get up or be squirming in my seat. not sure if yours is the same. of course get it checked out if the doctor says to, but i wouldn't worry too much about it. :)