Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Potty Time!!

Grace has had two days in underwear with only one accident! She is doing great... our only problem is during nap/bedtime. Someone told me that they consider her to be potty trained since many children go awhile before getting that nap/bedtime stuff down, but they aren't me... I don't consider it "Potty TRAINED" until that happens. I'll take it though.

She loves her underwear, and goes potty alot more frequently than Jacob did/does. I'm so happy to have another one out of diapers (well except one a day for those sleepy times!). :)

And by the way... she STILL has a huge bright red mark on her leg from her crib incident last week! Poor girl!!!

First Annual Girl's Weekend!

Doe, Peen, Christi, the kids (all four of them) and I had our first annual girls weekend in Caseville, and boy was it a blast!! We stayed up late chatting, ate, drank, walked on the beach, ate and DRANK. :) The kids all had a great time and Averie was the perfect house guest. Alexis & Averie even got their toe-nails painted for the very first time (a nice little shade of pink... although Avierie's had to come off later since she didn't want to hold her little feet still!) We had some good conversations, and I really enjoyed that. It's like a sister-hood we share... just love it!

Now we are beginning our usual July vacation in Caseville... reeling off of our girl's weekend. Of course I'm excited about that!

Friday, June 26, 2009


Here are some pictures of Grace's little legs... notice the big red marks (about 6 inches long). Last night Grace was calling for Daddy (not screaming, just saying his name). That doesn't mean much because she does that occasionally and usually is still asleep when she does it. So this morning around 9 I heard her calling/crying for Mommy. I went up to get her out of bed and she was stuck. Her legs were stuck in the sides of the crib (I have no idea how she did this!). I had to call for Doe because I couldn't get her out myself. When I brought her down to put her on the potty I noticed her poor little legs... both of them. We all feel so badly, but the funny thing is we don't know how long she was like that. She never cried very hard, but it sure looks like it hurt!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Bottle OR....

Alexis had her first bottle tonight while Mommy was away scrapbooking. She took to it very well and I think it was because her big brother helped to give it to her!! Here is a picture of Jacob helping Tete give Alexis a bottle.

The kids are big into role playing... today just before I left the kids were walking around their dolls in strollers, putting them in the beds, etc. After I left Doe called me... apparently they were feeding their babies... Grace had her dress up with the baby feeding, and Jacob had his shirt pulled up feeding his baby! When Grace asked Jacob for a bottle later in the evening, he replied "Just open up your boob, Grace". I guess Daddy's face was priceless during the whole conversation. :)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Today at soccer the coach definitely had been "wrapped".... that is wrapped around Grace's little finger! The class has all boys, except Grace. Doesn't bother her a bit, she imitates those boys like no other. Her coach usually tells the team "Grab a ball", "Walk over here", "Get in the net"... you get the picture. Well when he says these things I guess he doesn't mean our little cutie patootie... no instead all the other kids are getting a ball and he says to Grace "Here Grace I'll get your ball." When he has the other kids walking somewhere he grabs her hand and walks her to the spot he wants her in... no it isn't because she can't, I think he just is wrapped around her little finger! It cracks me up... the funny thing is he is a younger guy and lets be honest... who wouldn't think she was cute!!! :)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The BIG Brother!

My heart melts every time I see these two together... they have such a special bond. Alexis lights up every time she sees her big brother! I am reminded of how much I loved my brother and the bond we shared... it is truly like no other. Alexis can totally recognize Jacob's voice and it really calms her. She loves holding onto his hand and laying near him. The awesome part is that he is totally trustworthy with her and I can leave her with him (in the bouncy seat or laying by him) and I know he will love on her and rub her little head. You can really tell how safe and secure she feels with him.... and she should! I hope that they grow up and he maintains this loving nature with his "girls". A few times we have been out and a "stranger" holds Alexis... let me tell you, her big brother doesn't like it. He won't let her out of his site... it is precious! Jacob just loves to hear about things he did as a baby, that Alexis does now... or that she looks like him. His eyes just light up... you can tell how proud he is of his baby sister. That good old brotherly love, Alexis has it for sure!


This little bond I can't wait to watch develop... our little Mother Hen just can't get enough of her baby sister! She could near smother her somedays with all the love she tries to give her. I do not fully know the bond these two will share as they grow up as sisters, but I've heard it is very special. I'm so happy that they will have that, and I hope that they always include their brother in their special bond (I would NEVER want him to feel left out!). Grace loves to hold, touch, cuddle, and talk to her baby sister. Baby sister is always watching big sister!! My favorite part of these two little girls is seeing them in their little matching outfits and thinking about what they will become as time goes on. Thinking about their future together is something that I can't wait to experience... although I can already tell they are going to have their Daddy wrapped around their little fingers... oh wait they already do!! :)

Monday, June 22, 2009

Becky's Quilt

Over the weekend we got to see alot of the Gordon family, which was very nice! Greg's cousin Becky always makes the most beautiful quilts for the babies when they are born! Here is the quilt she made for Alexis... we absolutely love it!


We had a super fun playdate this morning with some of Jacob's "Little Turtle" pals! We went to Metro Beach and spray park. Jacob and Grace had fun running through the water, stripping (yes... that would be Grace), and picnic-ing! Jacob & Kaitlyn found a new companionship in colored marshmallows and shared their snacks so nicely! Grandma Beth (Kaitlyn's Grandma) was so nice to hold Baby Alexis for us while we splashed around. Jacob wanted to go back after nap... that won't happen but we will definitely have to return in the near future! :)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

Greg had his first Father's Day with all three of our beautiful children this year! We made pancakes for Daddy, went to church, Gigi's, and then to his parents' house for a BBQ and outdoor fun. Jacob told Greg quite a few times "Happy Father's Day". I think the best part of his day was getting his little handmade gift from the kids that they made during church... at least that would have been my FAVORITE part! They were so very proud! Happy Father's Day Greg... we love you!

Friday, June 19, 2009


Here is a quick video of our biker... and his lawnmowing sister! Yes... they both need helmets, lol. All I can say to that is "WHATEVER JACOB DOES... SO DOES GRACE!". Today Jacob biked for over a mile, Grace attempted the walk but Mommy realized the stroller must come next time, otherwise Mommy has to carry Grace, her pushing item (stroller/lawnmower) and any other misc item we bring along, UGH! Today we went down 24 mile for about a half mile, then all the way to Tete's and back, that was some serious distance for a 3 year old!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Alexis is ONE Month Old!!

How did this happen?? Our baby is growing so quickly. She has become more alert and enjoyable each and every day! She follows Jacob around and loves when he talks to her... he holds her hand, kisses her softly and is so gentle with her. It is amazing! You can tell that they have a special bond between them. :) Grace loves her "baby scissor" (yup that is how it sounds) so much too... almost to the point that she smothers her! She can't get enough of her!! They are always looking for the baby and want to make sure she is ok! They are both such great siblings!
Alexis has continued to be such a pleasant baby... she has her moments (don't we all) but overall she is so good. She (just like Jacob & Grace) doesn't love bath time just yet. Well, she doesn't mind it as long as she is sitting straight up and getting her hair or back done! She is pretty alert and both Jacob & I swear we heard her say "Hi" today! She is such a nice combination of Jacob & Grace yet is looking more and more like her own little self as she grows. She surely has been called "Grace" enough that she probably thinks she is Grace! She continues to sleep alot, and eats every 2-4 hours. She is not sleeping through the night, but I wouldn't think otherwise at this point. Luckily she does go right back to sleep during the night feedings (we both do!). Alexis really does complete our family... she just blends so nicely with the other two and really brings them closer together. Three children has been everything I thought it would be... it hasn't been as "hard" as most have said. Just remembering Alexis is half the battle... since she is so quiet and calm. Doing with the 2 isn't much different than "doing" with 3. The worst parts of the day are "food times" when I'm alone... breakfast, lunch, dinner (especially because the baby always seems hungry then and eats so differently than the other too). Like it was with two... when its bad, its really bad... and when its good, its really good! Not much of a difference in my opinion.... the main difference I notice is the huge difference in laundry! UGH... so much of that.
Alexis also had her one month well baby visit today. She weighed 9 lbs 6 oz (50th percentile) and was 21 1/2 inches long (75% percentile). Dr. Kalo and I discussed how she is doing... she said she looked beautiful and everything checked out exactly how it should! :) Her belly button looks much better (still a little red, but normal). We also discussed her spitting up and Dr. Kalo thinks she has the acid reflux or GERD just like Jacob did. There were a few indicators that I remember "qualified" Jacob and she had the same things... Dr. Kalo prescribed her Zantac (I think that is the spelling), so hopefully that will ease her little tummy.

Big Weekend

We had an incredible weekend in Caseville this weekend... just me, the kids & Doe (Greg was on call). We stopped in Bad Axe on the way up for our usual fun, then had a graduation party on Saturday (the kids really enjoyed playing with the Dillon's) and we spent many hours on the beach, in the sand, taking beach walks, at the park and riding bikes. It was a beautiful weekend. :) Jacob said he didn't want to go home... and that this was the best place on earth. He loves it at Doe's cottage, but hey... don't we all!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Jacob Can Ride A Bike!

I guess that sums it up... Jacob took off today. He was given a little bike by the neighbor up north and hasn't been able to pedal, until today! He hasn't stopped since, it is pretty cute! The really funny part is when Grace puts on her little helmut and follows behind him with her lawnmower!

Monday, June 8, 2009

I have the most AMAZING children! :)

Boy am I getting  B-R-A-V-E!! I (yes, me ALONE... and this isn't the first time I've been out with all three by myself!) ventured out with the kids to my school this morning for my little Kindergartners graduation celebration! It was such a good time, and they sure made me feel like a celebrity (at that age they ALWAYS do).  The kids and parents were so happy to see me, Jacob & Grace but were ECSTATIC to see baby Alexis!! We were able to hear their songs, see their i-movie, participate in their party and eat (Gracie's favorite part, of course).  The Ewell family never ceases to amaze me... they are so generous AND so full of compliments! :)  Jacob & Grace were exceptionally good and Lexie slept the ENTIRE time we were there!! Some people think I'm nuts to be going out with three by myself, but my children are amazing and really make it seem really not that bad! 

My amazing children will have more pictures on here soon... with the move Greg is a little (well alot) behind at getting the pictures from his server.  

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Guess WHAT...

Alexis had her first open-eyed smile today... and Mommy was the lucky one to witness it! :) 

We had  yet another fun day... we spent the evening with Andy, Andrea, Conrad, Mimi, Cam & Pa. Rochester Park (saw ducks, fed ducks, played, played, played!) & Mr. B's (for some food and terrorizing Pa, he had to sit between Cameron & Grace!).  Always a good time... 

Friday, June 5, 2009

Cross "Park"ing & First Happy Meal!!

So this post maybe a bit confusing and surprising in the very same post! 
We started our day at Jacob's school wide picnic at Civic Center park.  It was a "blast" just like Kaitlyn said! (Kaitlyn is Jacob's little friend from school).  They had face painting, moon walks, slushies, games, a playground, and so much more! All of Jacob's little school friends were there as were his teachers.  Jacob & Grace both enjoyed all the little activities and both got a turtle painted on their arm.  A few Mom's that I've become friends with asked if we wanted to do lunch (they are a group of friends who have known eachother for a few years) I was totally up for it!! (All THREE kids were being so good I thought why not??)  We decided to do some cross "park"ing (as termed by Sarah).  We thought there were too many of us (6 adults and 9 kids all under 4) to go to a restaurant so we thought we'd get lunch and cross parks! We hit up McDonald's and Jacob & Grace got their first EVER happy meal to eat at the park!! (Just recently Jacob started eating nuggets so up until then we never got him one! They split one since they both don't eat too much of that stuff and did very good with eating it!! YEAH!) We then headed to George George park (my new FAVORITE park) and spent the rest of the afternoon eating lunch, playing, chatting and just having fun! We all had so much fun there, and can't wait to spend more time with them during the summer! (Jacob talks about this little group of kids all the time Kaitlyn, Jacob B. & Vito).  

Funny side note... they are all picky eaters (Kaitlyn ordered a hamburger bun with just cheese and then only ate the cheese... that is how she ALWAYS does it), Jacob B.'s sister is also nicknamed "Lou" or "Lou Lou" and doesn't like all things girly just like Grace.  We have alot in common, it is really nice.

Tonight we headed to Pa & Bets house to spend time with Pa on his birthday.  The kids really love the new swingset there... can't wait to get one of our own!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

We have a LOT!

Tonight we met about our lot... we are very excited about it!! :)  We will close in about a week or so... but it is officially "ours"!

Our newest sayings!!

Asses, Asses.. we all fall down "Jacob"
Get it Mommy! "Grace"
Prin-ess "Grace"
2, FREE "Grace"
I wanna go on a RSTUV "Jacob" (yeah he is trying to spell stuff like we do when we don't want him to know what he is going to do)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

First Mall Trip

Alexis had her first visit to the mall today (Lakeside).  She slept most of the time, but seems to like shopping!! We went to the mall after Jacob's last day of school to get him a new pair of sandals (which were really hard to find, since even though it is ONLY June 3rd sandal season is over... well at least the lady at stride rite said so!).  We also treated the kids to a pretzel and a trip to the Disney store (their FAVORITE store). 

We also got to visit with Aunt Helen, Uncle Rick & Becky tonight... what an exciting day!

Jacob's Movin' On Up!

Jacob had his nursery school celebration on Wednesday for his very last day of nursery school! Mrs. Lee & Mrs. White each came up and told me how wonderfully he has been doing in the past couple of weeks.  Mrs. Lee said Jacob has talked with her many times in the past few weeks, and has also been playing with kids, writing his name, and all in all really coming alive! Mrs. White thought maybe it was because I've been bringing him and have been home more.  I was really surprised to hear all of this, because with all that he has had going on I would have thought he would have been declining if anything! Mrs. White & I chatted about how she would love to have a class full of kids like Jacob... he is polite, quiet, listens, etc.  She wishes they would all be like him!! She said not everyone can or should be the loudmouth, class clown, who plays anyone and everything.  I agree! Jacob got his certificate today and Mrs. Lee announced that he wants to be a police officer when he grows up.  We got a really nice folder with his stuff from the year in it, including a picture he drew of himself and his name (yes he wrote his name, and quite well!) I'll try to post a picture of it soon.  Grace & Alexis came to the celebration with me... Grace asked for a snack the whole time we were there until I let her go sit by Jacob (a few little girls were loving all over her while she sat there).  We left with a few phone numbers of some of Jacob's little friends... we plan to get together over the summer which will be nice since most of them are in the same class next year.  Friday is the school wide picnic, and we are really looking forward to that (moonwalks, facepainting, slushies, etc)
I cannot believe how far Jacob has come in a year, I'm so very proud of him and all of his accomplishments! He sure does love Little Turtle, and we all are excited to see what next year will bring!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Jacob's 3.5 Year Dentist Visit!

Today Jacob had his second dentist appointment! He did really good... got his teeth counted (20), tickled (with orange toothpaste), and flossed! He was spoiled with a snack, prizes, chapstick, toothbrush and flossers when he was done! Little Lexie came along too and was equally spoiled! Aunt Cathy took such good care of her and the office enjoyed passing her around! 
Jacob checked out good... his molars have deep groves in the back so we have to really watch them when we brush since that can make cavities easier to develop!
Gracie got to attend Doe's luncheon while we went... of course she didn't go easily. She is really attached to Jacob and hates to see him go.  She cried the whole way into the restaurant saying "I go to the dentist too!".  How many kids cry to GO to the dentist... lol.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Alexis' First REAL Bath!

Alexis had her first real bath today! Aunt Cathy was here to watch... and Lexie HATED it!! She screamed almost the entire time! The good part came after when she slept from 6pm till 5:30am only waking up once! :)  We got the ok to give the real bath as soon as her umbilical cord stopped discharging, I was so glad to be able to finally really clean her up!