Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Jacob's Movin' On Up!

Jacob had his nursery school celebration on Wednesday for his very last day of nursery school! Mrs. Lee & Mrs. White each came up and told me how wonderfully he has been doing in the past couple of weeks.  Mrs. Lee said Jacob has talked with her many times in the past few weeks, and has also been playing with kids, writing his name, and all in all really coming alive! Mrs. White thought maybe it was because I've been bringing him and have been home more.  I was really surprised to hear all of this, because with all that he has had going on I would have thought he would have been declining if anything! Mrs. White & I chatted about how she would love to have a class full of kids like Jacob... he is polite, quiet, listens, etc.  She wishes they would all be like him!! She said not everyone can or should be the loudmouth, class clown, who plays anyone and everything.  I agree! Jacob got his certificate today and Mrs. Lee announced that he wants to be a police officer when he grows up.  We got a really nice folder with his stuff from the year in it, including a picture he drew of himself and his name (yes he wrote his name, and quite well!) I'll try to post a picture of it soon.  Grace & Alexis came to the celebration with me... Grace asked for a snack the whole time we were there until I let her go sit by Jacob (a few little girls were loving all over her while she sat there).  We left with a few phone numbers of some of Jacob's little friends... we plan to get together over the summer which will be nice since most of them are in the same class next year.  Friday is the school wide picnic, and we are really looking forward to that (moonwalks, facepainting, slushies, etc)
I cannot believe how far Jacob has come in a year, I'm so very proud of him and all of his accomplishments! He sure does love Little Turtle, and we all are excited to see what next year will bring!

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