Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Jacob's 3.5 Year Dentist Visit!

Today Jacob had his second dentist appointment! He did really good... got his teeth counted (20), tickled (with orange toothpaste), and flossed! He was spoiled with a snack, prizes, chapstick, toothbrush and flossers when he was done! Little Lexie came along too and was equally spoiled! Aunt Cathy took such good care of her and the office enjoyed passing her around! 
Jacob checked out good... his molars have deep groves in the back so we have to really watch them when we brush since that can make cavities easier to develop!
Gracie got to attend Doe's luncheon while we went... of course she didn't go easily. She is really attached to Jacob and hates to see him go.  She cried the whole way into the restaurant saying "I go to the dentist too!".  How many kids cry to GO to the dentist... lol.

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