Monday, June 15, 2009

Alexis is ONE Month Old!!

How did this happen?? Our baby is growing so quickly. She has become more alert and enjoyable each and every day! She follows Jacob around and loves when he talks to her... he holds her hand, kisses her softly and is so gentle with her. It is amazing! You can tell that they have a special bond between them. :) Grace loves her "baby scissor" (yup that is how it sounds) so much too... almost to the point that she smothers her! She can't get enough of her!! They are always looking for the baby and want to make sure she is ok! They are both such great siblings!
Alexis has continued to be such a pleasant baby... she has her moments (don't we all) but overall she is so good. She (just like Jacob & Grace) doesn't love bath time just yet. Well, she doesn't mind it as long as she is sitting straight up and getting her hair or back done! She is pretty alert and both Jacob & I swear we heard her say "Hi" today! She is such a nice combination of Jacob & Grace yet is looking more and more like her own little self as she grows. She surely has been called "Grace" enough that she probably thinks she is Grace! She continues to sleep alot, and eats every 2-4 hours. She is not sleeping through the night, but I wouldn't think otherwise at this point. Luckily she does go right back to sleep during the night feedings (we both do!). Alexis really does complete our family... she just blends so nicely with the other two and really brings them closer together. Three children has been everything I thought it would be... it hasn't been as "hard" as most have said. Just remembering Alexis is half the battle... since she is so quiet and calm. Doing with the 2 isn't much different than "doing" with 3. The worst parts of the day are "food times" when I'm alone... breakfast, lunch, dinner (especially because the baby always seems hungry then and eats so differently than the other too). Like it was with two... when its bad, its really bad... and when its good, its really good! Not much of a difference in my opinion.... the main difference I notice is the huge difference in laundry! UGH... so much of that.
Alexis also had her one month well baby visit today. She weighed 9 lbs 6 oz (50th percentile) and was 21 1/2 inches long (75% percentile). Dr. Kalo and I discussed how she is doing... she said she looked beautiful and everything checked out exactly how it should! :) Her belly button looks much better (still a little red, but normal). We also discussed her spitting up and Dr. Kalo thinks she has the acid reflux or GERD just like Jacob did. There were a few indicators that I remember "qualified" Jacob and she had the same things... Dr. Kalo prescribed her Zantac (I think that is the spelling), so hopefully that will ease her little tummy.

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