Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The BIG Brother!

My heart melts every time I see these two together... they have such a special bond. Alexis lights up every time she sees her big brother! I am reminded of how much I loved my brother and the bond we shared... it is truly like no other. Alexis can totally recognize Jacob's voice and it really calms her. She loves holding onto his hand and laying near him. The awesome part is that he is totally trustworthy with her and I can leave her with him (in the bouncy seat or laying by him) and I know he will love on her and rub her little head. You can really tell how safe and secure she feels with him.... and she should! I hope that they grow up and he maintains this loving nature with his "girls". A few times we have been out and a "stranger" holds Alexis... let me tell you, her big brother doesn't like it. He won't let her out of his site... it is precious! Jacob just loves to hear about things he did as a baby, that Alexis does now... or that she looks like him. His eyes just light up... you can tell how proud he is of his baby sister. That good old brotherly love, Alexis has it for sure!

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